February 22, 2021, 12:32pm
I’d say I get a p quick and good grasp on how CS functions. The parts I was stumbling around that time was probably nested reference and the *params
command for *gosub
In the latest version of ChoiceScript, new features are available for programmers. They’re documented in the Advanced ChoiceScript section of the documentation, which means that you probably don’t need to use them. (I like to discourage people from getting too fancy in ChoiceScript games, because adding complexity rarely adds to the fun of the game.)
Curly braces now replace *setref and *gotoref. For years, you’ve been able to use curly braces {} around variable names to return values by refe…
Thanks to a big code contribution from @kgold , there are new features to try in the latest version of ChoiceScript up on GitHub: implicit control flow and *gosub parameters.
Implicit control flow
Normally, you have to use a *goto before the end of a *choice #option or before an *else, or you’ll get errors like this:
It is illegal to fall out of a *choice statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block.
It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement; you must *goto o…