Best Practices for WiPs and Playtesters on Dashingdon

I haven’t seen very many people do this. Dashingdon has a save system that is very easy to implement, so most WIP authors would just include that to make it easier on playtesters. Then readers can just go directly to where they left off at the last update or they can replay the entire thing if they wish to.

I don’t think people typically replay WIPs over and over unless they specifically said they were going to in order to help editing (like specifically recruited by the author) or they are very obsessed with the game. I believe most people just play when new content gets added. Maybe they’ll check a couple routes at that time, but I don’t think the majority of people come back to replay over and over again. I could be wrong, though.

You could try this thread if you want to get some of the questions about WIP readers answered!