Bad reviews and moving forward or getting out

Give it time and see what the average does as more people play it.

People only write reviews when they want to be heard and unfortunately the people who want to be heard the most are those that are unhappy.

It’s worth remembering as well that even without branching story lines your game may be seen as comparably short. Using my previous examples:

Wizardry Level C (100,000 words)
Zombie Exodus (750,000 words)
Community College Hero (168,000 words)
Choice of Robots (300,000 words)
Choice of Deathless (No word count given)

Half the word count for a similar price means every word needs to be worth twice as much, 4x as much if half the words aren’t seen on the first playthrough. It may help to explain some of the feedback.

Obviously there are always trolls on the internet as well who expect everything for free but maybe some of the complains have a little bit of a reason behind them? Still waiting for feedback on the “Rushed” complaints though. Happy to believe that’s just trolling.

I feel the need to add that I really enjoyed what you wrote of Draconic Challenges so it’s likely the complaints are based more around the length and the rushed comments are because the story finished quicker than the readers would prefer.

Also looking through your history I have to ask:
What happened to Tales of the Deep? You started that project before Wizardry Level C but finished this first?

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