August 2024 Writer Support Thread

The way I’ve been doing feedback, this year, is first giving the thoughts-as-they-come, structured by chapter (sometimes with a Presentation/Structure section first, if I have any notes on that). Then at the end, I’ll have sections on Characters and Romance (if applicable), and then a big General Thoughts section.

I also write notes for later sections while I’m playing, but the comments are things that doesn’t only pertain to a specific moment or chapter.

I imagine if a game has a strong emphasis on mechanics, I might add a section for that as well. But that hasn’t happened yet.


I am in a bad moment writing for my jam due I suck writing for Cog audience. I am not good at censoring myself and I am now with a scene that works for other audiences but clearly not for this forum. So I am writing something that I like. But I wont be able to use it here.

I will have to restart again trying to write something normal for once but I don’t know how to write normal stuff. It is frustrating trying to write something differently to try to fit in a mold you don’t fit.

I doubt I will have entry this year publicly and I write this game for myself or putting the link elsewhere.

There is no way that Forum target just accept Cyber rat black market furries organizing Vampire date systems and blood systems. But Huiles the rat is awesome


That sounds fucking awesome to be honest.


Thanks I really like My cyber rat mafia gang They also have cool powers that allows them to use real rats and see what the rats see.


I think you’d be surprised what there’s a audience for here.
Just because there are some loud voices for specific things, doesn’t mean that everybody agrees.


I’d read it.


Regarding feedback, I’m completely flexible. Anything under the sun is fine. Ultimately, give what you’re comfortable with giving. I do have some preferences, but I usually do not mention them as I do not want to discourage (in the slightest) anyone who wants to offer feedback which is not in line with those preferences.

Plus, getting any kind of feedback can be hard sometimes, so practically speaking, I don’t wish to put up anything which bears the slightest resemblance to a requirement or barrier to entry, unless necessary.

(My first game was a closed beta, but the Spring Thing had some requirements… so that was necessary.)

Are you sure that thesis isn’t doing terrible things to your brain? :thinking:

I’m always open. But no pressure. Even if I didn’t like the feedback, I always like it when someone drops by to comment.

I recall there were some people who provided feedback which I ultimately decided to reject, but I still asked if they would like to be credited as beta testers, and they said ok.


I wondered for a moment that in what kind of story characters aren’t applicable :sweat_smile:

I absolutely want to read thar!

I’m planning on being a bit experimental myself, it’s a jam and not a commercial game.

That’s a perfectly normal vocabulary blunder for my brain. At least I haven’t been calling anything a flagpole for a while.


I mean, I might not have any notes for the characters, specifically, that can’t just go in the chapter notes :person_shrugging:t2:


…I didn’t even think about that.


I will be 100% even if it probably is not the more clever thing to say. My issue is I want to do something for once that makes people forget the past and accept me. And stop seeing me as a toxic pathetic clown. So, I am trying to do something people would like with absolutely no success whatsoever. So I pressure myself even more about it.

I am tired of trying; but even I know that will never happen. A pitty really


Honestly, I feel the same way this week. I’m looking at what I have on my calendar, realize my obligations to the world conclude next year, and am planning on just selling everything and bumming around a few countries on perpetual holiday until the money runs out. It’s quite appealing.


I’ve read this a couple time browsing the forum. I’m curious why it’s the case, if you have any insight into that. (Like I mentioned, I haven’t run a beta myself yet so I haven’t gotten far enough in this process to know)


Don’t you have a beta?

I don’t know. Confounding does not even begin to describe how this forum community works.

Interestingly, I noticed a more recent trend where new WIPs these days are fairly likely to get a substantial amount of attention. On the other hand, WIP threads which have been bumped with an update after being ‘inactive’ for some months really seem to struggle for attention, even if they received a lot of attention initially. Don’t want to name names though…


Does that count as a beta? If so then I guess I lied above :joy: I’ve been thinking of it as a general partial demo and/or alpha, I guess? By “beta” I mean the version I’m going to send to my beta testers for testing. So: full game, polished, all mechanics implemented. But there’s probably lots of ways to use the term.

Lol! Well, maybe someday we’ll figure out the secret. (hey, I can dream)


Obviously it’s not beta, if it’s still in alpha stage, but it shouldn’t be any different from the “am I getting any feedback?” front. :wink:


The lack of feedback has had the opposite effect on me than I really intended. I was super-excited to share progress, but it’s a two-way street; you want that feedback and the feeling that you aren’t just wasting your life writing hundreds of thousands of words. And when you don’t get any feedback… kills you. Really kills you. It’s almost as devastating as getting your game pirated. It hurts, because you begin to wonder how badly you’ve failed.


It’s been a wild few weeks on Once in a Lifetime!

I’ve planned how content structures should occur and began implementation of bigger events. This has involved actually writing the underlying narrative structure of these events.

Part of my work on Once in a Lifetime is providing player’s choice over their lives amidst a dynamic and changing game, which requires many systems and content branches at play.

As a result, I’ve been using ArcWeave to create narrative structures based upon a mixture of life circumstances such as wealth, job structures of the parents, family medical histories, and more.

It’s quite a beast, but I want to make something that matters. Personally, I drew inspiration from BitLife but admittedly have sharply criticised it for being ‘wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle’.

My goal is to ultimately create a game that’s as wide and deep as an ocean.

Whilst I’m working to implement actual content, I’m realizing just how much I need to expand the foundational pieces to incorporate these additional factors.

My hope in the next week is to extend components of the Character Creation process. Players will have a choice over their starting wealth, and things like that. My goal is to release challenges for players through achievements and the like to encourage different lifetimes to be played out.

Either way, quite a bit is happening and I’m excited to see the project continue to form.


Snippet day! I have one this time! Still working on chapter 3 of my WiP, and this is pretty early on in that, but I’m happy with it for a first go.


“Lock that traitor up, Yvin!” Ordric yells, fist hoisted into the air. “You brought all this here! $!{pc_name} could have been killed; do you even care?”

“Don’t you dare,” Yvin says darkly, her voice low and careful. “We don’t yet know what—”

“We know plenty,” Ordric returns, loudly still. @{dis At least here, in the privacy of the inner chambers, his shameful passion cannot be seen. It isn’t lost on you that he wields it in your defense, but even still such an open display among the public, among the Eidans—the mothers would curse his weakness.|Only here, in the privacy of the inner chambers, could anyone—let alone a man, even a man of Ordric’s position—speak so openly and with such unrestrained passion. If only the rest of the world could be so.}

“No,” Anatole says. “We do not.”

“And you,” Ordric says, voice turned to venom. “You shouldn’t even be here. This is a private affair, an internal matter. You ought to be dragged out of here by your hair and tied to the cliff face, let the harvesters get those sharp beaks into you and tear out your innards!”

“If you take issue with my presence,” Anatole begins, voice calm and careful, but hardening with each word. “Then remove me, Ordric.”

No one moves. For a moment, no one speaks. The tension swells in the air.
*page_break It doesn’t break, only lessens, evaporating far too slowly.

Yvin looks briefly to Anatole before closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose. You look to Anatole too, but ${athey} maintains ${atheir} composure, expression placid.

“Prove to me you didn’t do this,” Yvin says. Considering she has not drawn a sword and put it to Anatole’s throat, you believe she must be very hopeful of that—if not already wholly convinced. Still, her voice is almost desperate.

Anatole doesn’t waver. “I cannot,” ${athey} says, shaking ${atheir} head, hair tumbling over ${atheir} shoulders with the movement. “Anything I say can be countered. The means, motive, and opportunity are all easily supplied, Om Kepa; you know this. I have no defense, only my word, leaving you in the precarious position of whether or not to trust it: I did not do this.”

“You know that isn’t enough.”

“I do.” And yet, ${athey} seems wholly unbothered. “When the assailant has been recovered, perhaps we will have our answers. Disinclined to believe it you all may be, but I have questions of my own.”

I’ve also been plodding away at my Halloween Jam entry (which I have accidentally titled Haloown Jame, very impressive of me and at this point I refuse to change it because it makes me laugh every time I see it) buuuut to be honest I’ve kind of lost steam on it for now. Maybe I’ll pick it up again later, idk.


You have all the time to pick it again when you are on a better mood. And I dont know if shared my snippet today I feel is too stupid.