Another Stat Screen Question

I’ve been trying to figure out where I’m going wrong with this, but just can’t nail this down. I’m am trying to display a list of multiple variables in a stat screen. I figured out how to allow the player to select multiple variables and that works fine, it’s just when I click the stat button to see the variables displayed that I get this error:
/web/scene.js",lineNumber: 565}

I am guessing that I somehow have a *goto or *label in the wrong place but I just can’t see it. Here is the stat I am trying to display:

*label markings
*temp markings_text
*temp comma
*set comma false
*if markingstrue = 0
*set markings_text “unknown”
*if markingstrue = 1
*if markings1 = 1
*set markings_text “no specific markings”
*goto size
*if markings2 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“a large birthmark on your back”
*set comma true
*if markings3 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“a small mole on your back”
*set comma true
*if markings4 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“a large birthmark on your chest”
*set comma true
*if markings5 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“a small mole on your chest”
*set comma true
*if markings6 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“a large birthmark on your cheek”
*set comma true
*if markings7 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“a small mole on your cheek”
*set comma true
*if markings8 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“freckles on your shoulders”
*set comma true
*if markings9 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“freckles on your chest”
*set comma true
*if markings10 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text & “freckles on your face”
*set comma true
*if markings11 = 1
*if comma
*set markings_text &", "
*set markings_text &“dimples in your cheeks”
*set comma true

Gender: {gender_text} \*line_break Marking(s): {markings_text}

*label size

Thank you very much for any help.

Do you know what line 565 is?

Umm no I’m not sure, is there a text, I am using Notepad and don’t think it lists line numbers. Unless I just don’t know how to display them. Is there another text program that will display line numbers?

I would suggest you use Notepad ++. It makes things very neat. Also, you will be able to use it to tell which line the error message is referencing.

Ok great thank you I’ll look into it and if I still can’t figure it out Ill let you know

ok I really am stumped by this does anyone have any idea? line 565 in scene.js is this:

// retrieve the value of the variable, preferring temp scope
Scene.prototype.getVar = function getVar(variable) {
var value;
variable = variable.toLowerCase();
if (variable == “true”) return true;
if (variable == “false”) return false;
if (variable == “choice_subscribe_allowed”) return true;
if (variable == “choice_save_allowed”) return areSaveSlotsSupported();
if (“undefined” === typeof this.temps[variable]) {
if (“undefined” === typeof this.stats[variable]) {
throw new Error(this.lineMsg() + “Non-existent variable '”+variable+"’");
value = this.stats[variable];
if (value === null) {
throw new Error(this.lineMsg() + “Variable '”+variable+"’ exists but has no value");
if (this.debugMode) println(“stats[”+ variable + “]==” + value);
return value;
value = this.temps[variable];
if (value === null) {
throw new Error(this.lineMsg() + “Variable '”+variable+"’ exists but has no value");
if (this.debugMode) println(“temps[”+ variable + “]==” + value);
return value;

This is beyond me, maybe I’m defining my variable incorrectly, not sure.

It looks like you are not using internet explorer; IE gives more error info. If you are not using it, can you try it and post the full error? If you are using IE, repost your code using the code tag so we can see all of the formatting.

Your code…

(Just take out the periods between the <> and it should format it for you.)

ok I’ll try that right now, I’ll get back to you. BTW thank you for the reply

It’s saying line 211: Invalid expression at char 10, expected OPERATOR, was VAR [true]

This is line 211 of my choicescript_stats.text file:

*if markings2 = 1
*if comma true //this is the line the message refers to
*set markings_text & ", "
*set markings_text & “a large birthmark on your back”
*set comma

*if markings2 = 1 *if comma true *set markings_text & ", " *set markings_text & "a large birthmark on your back" *set comma true

*if markings2 = 1 *if comma true *set markings_text & ", " *set markings_text & "a large birthmark on your back" *set comma true

First glance: The line after ‘*if comma true’ is not indented another space.