An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

How can we tame the wolves or is it yet to be written?

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Hi Fenrir,

As a baby orc, during one of the events you get the chance to leave the playsty. If you crawl to the outskirts of the tribe you can befriend a wolf cub. His pack will then support you in later actions and allow you to overcome the wolves as well as have them support you in some of the battles.


-Quick note: To find the start of founding a city event chain, you will have to make sure you travel to Krog’s Rock when an adult, help the orcs build a settlement there, or enslave them, but do not destroy the placer. This will let you, when over 30 years old, develop a city.
-If you choose to become the tribal shaman, a chief or a city builder, this will remove you from the ‘free-roam’ events as you enter the world of ‘potentially great’ orcs.


@NumberedEntity Is there any chance we could choose our favorite epithet that we’ve earned like we can with the armor? I always do the arena towards the end, but I want to keep one of the other epithets I get.

My orc is a shaman, so Krog’s Chosen seems like the perfect one for me. I’d like to keep it, if possible.

Also, if we challenge the chieftain and win, can we move the dust clan to Krog’s Rock instead of enslaving some of them?

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Hi Claimed,

Thanks for playing my game. That’s a good idea, with the epithets. I’ll add the choice to keep your current epithet or change to the new one for the next update.

You may have already gone through this, but if you replace Snooky as the shaman, you will move the tribe to Krog’s Rock. Alternatively, if you found a holy city at Krog’s Rock, or impose holiness on the city (you’ll need to have the backing of Pifagorca’s Temple to do this) you’ll be able to become the defacto shaman of your tribe and move the clan there. I did this to differentiate the later game shaman path from the chief path.

I may add more shaman events to the chief path in future, or tie it in more to the shaman path. For my immediate plans, the chief path will be focused on conquering or uniting the world and confronting the global threat (if you’ve bumped into it during your travels to activate it). The ‘unholy’ path runs alongside the chief path.


I did play through this and it was pretty cool, but I wasn’t able to open the city to everyone on that route and the King option had only enslavement as an option. I was hoping to create a formidable orc kingdom through diplomacy just as much as conquest.


I plan to allow the shaman, if powerful enough, to shape Krog worship and open up the city to the world later. Haven’t got all the city stuff mapped out yet. I would like to establish several different city chains. In my current plans, the holy city path would be the ideal path for the shaman, who wouldn’t conquer the world with arms but with beliefs in Krog (which you can manipulate).

There will be more diplomacy options once you’ve established your kingdom, on the chief path, and come face to face with other nations. For the early part of your chiefly conquest, I went more with the savage/waaagh side since, by my reasoning, that would be the best way for orcs to respect you as a leader.

Once I get an entire span of ‘orc life’ written and implemented, from birth to death, I can expand with a more definite direction and add depth to even earlier events. Will keep you posted!


Oh gotcha. Well I look forward to seeing it. This game is so well designed and I can’t wait to see all the cool things we can do.

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Thanks for playing and supporting it!

Things are slowly falling in place and I’m trying my best to stay on top of the increasing number of variables to make players see the effects of their choices. For most of the game, certain choices only appear if you’ve achieved a certain variable. For example, the ‘wolf’ choices will not appear if you didn’t befriend the cub when just a baby. For the chief battle, I let nearly all (though not all) of the option show since I thought it would be a good teaser of things some players might have missed, to make them want to explore more.

I think one of the biggest problems will be balancing things, so it is isn’t too difficult or too easy.

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So I allowed the ogre to burrow into my mind, I put the amulet on, and I returned to the Dust Clan and became a demon creature, but I can’t seem to interact with any of the other ogres in a positive way and when I enter the temple and try to “call upon dark powers” it says it goes unheard. What am I missing?



How do you blur the words in your post?

The cyclopes are the ones that burrow into your mind, They do add to your corruption, but not in terms of demonic powers. The cyclopes are never friendly and seek only to enslave and dominate.

If you’ve already changed, you are corrupted by demons but not corrupted enough, yet, to call on their dark powers.

There are a few events that get you possessed by these creatures. One is, if you travel to the far north and are already corrupted, you can pledge yourself to the dark powers (the powers of Beyond and Below) when confronting the demon orc. This should make you corrupted enough to defile the temple.

Numerous events allow you to become demonic. When young, sell orc slaves to the elves, or enter through the ominous door in the farmhouse when your orc mates plan a burglary. Or, drink the Joy Witches tea when dream-walking with Snooky. Try to keep your piety low, as high piety protects against corruption. Once you have access to dark powers, the ability to use them will pop up for many events.

You can, also, if not already corrupted, study at the temple and, when given the chance, study the Dark Arts. This will get you possessed and allow you to call on them.


Good to know, thanks.

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Blurred it! Thanks.

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I’ve read through the book and have to say that the book is absolutely amazing and pretty unique for most games. Keep up the good work mate!



Honestly I’m impressed its not the best writing i ever seen but its goddamn excellent and considering how fast you are capable of writing its even more impressive it belongs into the first tenth of Choicescript games in terms of quality. I may not betatest that much nowadays but if you need help don’t hesitate to ask.

Found a bug btw check warchief section on mountain with undead
This section.

*if not (undeaded) and (undead >5)

It only decreases enemy over AND under certain size of undead if you have OVER certain amount it does nothing.

Would sent you the exact code but Site eats it and displays it badly

Also there seems to be a lot of stuff like this

#Pay an assassin 10,000 bits of loot to ‘thin the ranks’ of the council.
*if (loot >10000)
You don’t have enough loot and will have to think of something else to do.
*goto joinslavecouncil

Which hints to me that you have reverse > and < due whatever you are coding in screwing you over.

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Hi Caesar,

Thanks for playing my WIP and for your encouragement and for catching that bug! I looked back on that undead coding and imagined it might have been one of those tired-zombie moments when things made sense to me, though I meant to do the complete opposite. I really have trouble spotting my own errors, my mind casts illusions over mistakes when I go back and edit.

I discovered Choice Script a couple of months ago and I’m really enjoying using it. Not too complex to utterly bamboozle non-coders while also being able to create reactive worlds. Since I had a lot of this game planned out, I’ve been able to write pretty quickly. Although, I really should spend a number of days reviewing the newer additions and double-checking my <,> signs (and typos), so will slow down a bit over the next few weeks. If this goes well, I have a few other worlds I’d like to try and bring to life.

I’d be more than happy to have someone, who has that instinctive understanding of scripting and experience playing choice script style interactive fiction, betatest my orc fiction. It is really fulfilling to have people enjoy the fruits of my imagination and care enough to improve on my errors.

(edit: Even if not betatest, just a general finding of bugs!)


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@NumberedEntity What do you think is the most powerful orc build in your opinion and story-wise

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Hi Patrick,

That’s tricky. Most situations can be dealt with in several ways. I would say the single, most important stat is Presence as this is often used in conjunction with Cunning or Strength to pass a check. If you have high Presence and Strength or high Presence and Cunning, your orc should survive most challenges.

The shaman path is powerful, if you maintain high Piety since you can bypass lots of difficulty with the help of Krog.

If you become demonic enough, you can slaughter almost anything.

Story-wise, for the traditional orc (a brutal warrior), having high Presence and Strength and building up your Horde, is the way to go.

Having high Loot, Appetite and Infamy opens up opportunities and events that you might otherwise miss. Constitution is always important as low constitution (under 10 or 15) makes you more vulnerable to death events.

I would say it is very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve everything with a single focused build, but orc greatness is a narrow path!

Cheers for your continuing support!


I’ll let you know if I have anymore questions or suggestions

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This unexpectedly green journey was also unexpectedly fun and deep! The shaman/mystic path is my favourite so far, love being the chosen of Krog. It also seems the, I guess, easiest path? I had a lot harder time actually suceeding in checks when I tried making a warrior character instead. There seem to be lots of opportunities to have Krog intercede on your behalf.

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