*label t_desc
*set unit_desc +1
*set t_desc true
flavor text flavor text flavor text
*if (unit_desc) =4
${t_name} starts to speak,
*goto leaving
*elseif (l_desc) =false
${l_name}, if you would kindly continue this? I would apretiate it."
"Thank you, ${t_name}." ${l_name} says before beginning to speak.
*goto l_desc
*if (l_desc) =true
${n_name}, if you would continue this? In a manner that is conducive to the behavior of an agent of this orgonization, I would apretiate such."
"So I should be boring, basically?"
"As you say."
${n_name} sighs, mutters something, then starts speaking.
*goto n_desc
*label l_desc
*set unit_desc +1
*set l_desc true
flavor text flavor text flavor text
*if (unit_desc) =4
"Is that everyone?"
"Yes." ${t_name} says.
${l_name} starts to speak once more,
*goto leaving
*elseif (n_desc) =false
"${n_name}, if you would go next?"
"Would be happy to." ${n_name} says, smirk evident in ${n_their} voice now. "Also, was going to anyway, but thanks for confirming it you know?"
"I would apretiate it if you did not make.-" ${l_name} trails off.
"But that's where all the fun is? Anyway, don't you think if ${mc_they} had a problem, ${mc_they} would have spoken up by now?"
"Please, ${n_name}. Not here, and not now."
"Fine, if you insist, I'll be boring."
"Thank you."
${n_name} sighs, before starting to speak.
*goto n_desc
*elseif (n_desc) =true
"Can I go now?" ${d_name} asks.
"Good! Also, thanks! Also, I'l keep it, well, what were you going to say?"
"I wasn't going to say anything, ${d_name}."
"OK, starting now then!" With that, ${d_name} starts chattering.
*goto d_desc
*label n_desc
*set unit_desc +1
*set n_desc true
flavor text flavor text flavor text
*if (d_desc) =true
If you could do your thing now, ${t_name}?"
"By doing my thing, you wish me to provide my description, yes?"
"As you wish, then." With that, ${t_name} starts to speak.
*goto t_desc
*elseif (d_desc) =false
"My turn!" ${d_name} says, cutting ${n_name} off.
"I was going to ask you to go." ${n_name} deadpans, "but since your so eager, you can just go I guess."
"OK, starting now! Also, sorry for cutting you off?"
"It's good." Is all ${n_name} says. With that, ${d_name} starts speaking.
*goto d_desc
*elseif (unit_desc) =4
No, I was the last one." ${n_name} says.
"That is correct." ${t_name} says.
"You are right, ${n_name}." ${l_name} says.
"Last is the best." ${d_name} says.
${n_name} starts to say something before
*goto leaving
*label d_desc
*set d_desc true
*set unit_desc +1
flavor text flavor text flavor text
*if (t_desc) =false
"Hay, ${t_name}? Would you do yours now?"
"Do you want me to stay quiet when your talking?"
"That would be appreciated, yes. However, if you believe that you have something to contribute, I do not object to you doing so."
"OK, I'l let you talk now."
With that, ${t_name} starts to speak.
*goto t_desc
*elseif (unit_desc) =4
"${l_name}, do you want to go now?"
"Are you finished with your description?"
"Yeah, can't think of anything else to say, so I'm done."
"In that case, I would, yes."
"OK, now ${mc_they} can be told how adorible and huggible you are!"
"You know that isn't my aim for doing this, ${d_name}."
"I know that, but you are!"
"I am going to start now."
"OK, I'l let you talk in peace."
"Thank you." With that, ${l_name} starts speaking.
*goto l_desc
*elseif ((t_desc =true) and (l_desc =true) and (n_desc =true))
${d_name} starts to say something, but
*goto leaving
*label leaving
```I hope that clears some stuff up. Also, there is a *create unit_desc 0 on the startup, if that changes anything.