Quoting @Havenstone
When I finished certain titles, I know that I won’t be replaying them anytime soon. Don’t get me wrong, those titles are all good and has potential replayability (Tin Star, Mecha Ace, Metahuman). Heck, even The Great Tournament appears to be made for replayability.
But for some reason, replayability just don’t fit me when it comes to texts. In this case, the IF.
IDK why, maybe because replaying an IF means reading that same block of paragraphs; only small changes regarding the flavor texts. It’s boring.
Unlike video games, where you can have flashy animations and particle effects that keep it being a dynamic experience.
When this thought occurs to me, I’ve to realize that most people will miss quite contents of my WIP if they don’t go for replayability. But I think it’s for the best, tho, as I’ll most likely keep writing some nice story-branching while aiming for the quality of single-playthrough story is supposed to be, which is done right in XoR, I think