*if (highest_relationship ="t")
parenthesis cause behind what the whole shebang.
also, if you are not working with if/elseif/else you don’t necessarily need a *goto, depending on how the text is meant to continue.
For example: (from my own game)
"Now," you begin the moment you are back in your room, and the door is closed behind you.
*if (med >=30)
"Lemme have a look at that shoulder."
Charlie nods and takes his shirt off, sitting down on the bed.
Much to your relief you find that his shoulder simply looks far worse than it is.
"Nothing's broken," you inform him, sitting down next to him. "But it's gonna hurt like Hell for a bit."
"I noticed that." Charlie grins askew, putting his shirt back on.
*if (med <=25)
"I want ya to let Mrs. Meadows have a look at yer shoulder."
"Once she's awake, I shall," Charlie assures you, sitting down on the bed. "Though, by all means, I think it just looks worse than it is."
"Still." You sit down next to him.
Charlie nods.
"It also hurts like Hell."
"Can imagine."
You let out a hearty yawn.
This will either display the first or second bit between the first and last line, with no additional *goto as it’s impossible to have both qualifiers at the same time.
But IF certain qualifiers can apply at the same time, you can also have the code do tricks:
"We are. We absolutely are." Charlie laughs.
*if (gender !=2)
But then his face falls.
"People will talk, though. At least once we get back to 'civilization'."
"Why? @{gender 'Cause we're both men?| error| 'Cause they'd rather have it I'd look like what the midwife said I am?| They don't know that the midwife said something else 'bout me than what they see.| 'Cause they can't tell what the midwife claimed I am by lookin' at me?| 'Cause they can't tell for certain what the midwife claimed I am by lookin' at me?} Really now, screw them!"
Charlie smiles.
"It's very kind o' ya that you worry, however," you say, caressing his cheek for a moment.
*if (age <=30)
"Ya know," you begin musing then, flexing your hands. "What bothers me more is that people might gossip 'bout how much younger I am than ya."
Charlie blows a dismissive raspberry.
"Y'know, the same kinda people will gladly marry their first cousins at the age of fifteen. Pot, kettle, black, $!{nick}."
*if ((nat <=6) or (nat >=19))
@{((gender !=2) and (age <=30)) "And I'm| "I'm} not much lookin' forward to the gossip 'cause I'm..." you meaningfully pinch and pull the skin on the back of your hand, murmuring sourly.
"If they say or do anythin' 'cause o' that, they'll quickly learn they should have paid more attention to the white guy." Charlie says, pecking your cheek. "But really, just know I'll be there for ya if anyone tries to be funny 'cause o' the color of yer skin."
"Thank you." You smile softly.
Charlie nods reassuringly.
To which you sigh gently.
What my text is doing here is it will raise various concerns one of the RO might have about a relationship depending on race, age and gender, or any given combination.