Am curious about where to all begin the beginning of choice of games and hosted games all other if and like what was the interactive fiction made here and all ?
Now im curious too choice of dragons was the first but how did the company start?
While i have no idea or at least done remeber for this company and other if online/ digital companys and games.
The concept i think had inspiration from books decades ago at least where the storys had multiple options and depending on the choice you were directed to a certain page to pick up the story from there.
At least thats what a potential insipiration came from. In fact i still have a book of that style had it for a very very long time lol.
Choice of Games was founded by Dan Fabulich and Adam Strong-Morse in 2009.
A few years earlier, Fabulich had created a playable online port of a 1986 life sim IF called Alter Ego. He was surprised how much attention it received and began to wonder if there might be a market out there for other digital longform interactive fiction. He and Strong-Morse, a friend from his college days, wrote Choice of the Dragon and started a company to publish it and similar works. They recruited a couple other friends of theirs to join them as business partners, and most of the earliest CoG games were written by them and other friends or acquaintances of theirs, until their reputation started to grow. The same people also founded Hosted Games to allow people outside the company’s direct involvement to use ChoiceScript, the programming language Fabulich had developed, to publish professionally under somewhat different terms.
As for interactive fiction more generally, the first branching story gamebook seems to have been Consider the Consequences, written by Doris Webster and Mary Alden Hopkins and published in 1930, and the genre was widely popularized in the 1980s by the Choose Your Own Adventure series of children’s books and the software company Infocom.
The series was called “Choose Your Own Adventure”.