What are your writing strengths?

I have a very vivid imagination that really gets to shine in descriptions of setting and character! :grin: I’ve also improved a lot with my character profiles in the pre-writing process. Writing is always a journey. :relaxed:


Dialogue would probably be the biggest. Probably writing villain protagonists would be up there.

Creating multiple “timelines” of various events and how they change everything from characters, places and more depending on choices would be another.

As far as what others have said about my work, well there’s been a lot of things. The ones that stick out are the folks that say they’ve found the stories inspirational and/or helped them through depression or something similar since those tend to surprise me that I had such an effect.


Definitely my vocabulary, I have an enormous storage of words to make my story good. My imagination also makes the story better, these two are my strenghts.


Would be nice if someone could give advices. Like opening a thread about giving advices of how to imprprove our writing weaknesess.

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then open one , and ask questions and share your doubt and troubles :grinning:

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My writing strengths are probably dialogue and, usually, grammar. Back when Jamlyfics was still a thing, one of my original works was lauded for making people cry, which felt nice.

I can write 5,000 words in a row of mostly dialogue, but ask me to write some exposition or describe the world? I can’t do it, lol. It’s like walking into an invisible wall, but that’s a conversation for a different thread :wink:

As for an advice type thing, I think there have been threads suggesting something of the sort, in the past. Generally, beta readers are pretty good about that, though.


Like a lot of people I find it hard to assess my own writing strengths, but after a quick conflab with @HarrisPS apparently they are: worldbuilding, solid characters and action scenes!

Possibly interestingly, though I find worldbuilding and characters…OK to do? I do particularly enjoy writing action sections - by which I mean, a large portion of a chapter with a lot of higher-stakes physical danger, not just a fight!

I’m not even sure if I have one. Hahahaba

yeah you do…

you create a character thats super cute…then you make the player pet them incessantly…then they go around petting stranger…and it goes on like this…forever…

thats a skill! :rofl:

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