What are the common tropes/cliches you see in CoG games (and other games) that you like (and don't like)

I love me some tropes!

  • The classic enemies to friends to lovers is one of my favorites. It allows for character growth, tension, angst, and all of that wonderful setup. Similarly, forbidden love is in the same vein. Throw in some friends to lovers as well, why not.
  • I love the flawed antiheroes, or a sympathetic villain. I tend to lose interest when a villain is just bad because they’re bad. What is their motivation? Their goals? Why do they see things that way? If you can make me feel for them to the point I almost wish they had won, but ultimately can’t side with their ends, I will be hooked. And while I an appreciate some tragic backstories, only using this as the explanation doesn’t cut it for me personally. (Note: Occasionally it can be interesting, such as the Joker. But I typically find it exhausting and bland.)
  • Fake relationships. It can be so cheesy and perhaps a bit overdone, but if done right it’s an A+. For the same reason, it provides a great vehicle for character development.

Some tropes I hate with a passion:

  • I didn’t know I was bi/pan 'till I met you. Also the if it’s you, it’s okay. Ugh. Ughh. I have so many problems with this I can’t focus on it too much or my head will spin. :triumph: I have stopped reading good pieces before because they started to use this. No thank you.
  • Of course the stuffed into the refrigerator trope. I am a fan of darker things, don’t get me wrong, and death can be a very powerful motivator, but using a death/terrible event as simply a shock value/to show how evil the villain is is uninspired.
  • When a character is reduced for the sake of plot. What I mean by this is that a side character is far more capable/prepared/etc. than the protagonist but for some odd reason can’t do anything productive. (Hint: It’s because they’re not the protagonist.) Or when the villain is very intelligent but makes very stupid mistakes that lead to the hero winning/gaining an advantage. (Hint: It’s because of the progression of the protagonist.) Make a character capable.

Those are just some of my many loved and not-so-loved tropes! I have endlessly more but I had to share a few after finding out this thread was a thing. :kissing_heart:


Romance between rivals/enemies, almost everything here:http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FoeYay

and is “No good deed goes unpunished” a trope? (It’s on Tvtropes too, I really love that site) I don’t know why I like it, maybe because my view of the world is a bit cynical.


Well, I just learned about tropes and I need to read more about them, but personaly I love when main character is my oposite, which means: handsome/pretty badass who wants to dominate the world, and ether can still be nice even if as a disguise, and can fall in love, or is a total badass who romances only for the pleasure of physical relationship.
Maybe I like those because I am to nice, bored, and lazy in normal life.

My favourite type of characyer/trope would have to be misunderstood/misrepresented characters. The ones who are seen as one thing and yet when the truth comes to light everything changes.


It all depends the self-made man trope. Depending on the time politics in history and its location can have many dark realities. Normally people are incredibly ambitious they know how to get into the right Social Circles there a little bit lucky to be in the right place and the right time and they may have an incredibly fast rise, Boss Tweed, Carnegie,Jackson Hamilton. Somebody’s going to get burned or screwed or a whole group of people. PS miss my favourite viking writer​:grin::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

I love where the protagonist is the villain. My favorite is tomato in the mirror and becoming what you fight.


For starters, I love the Tsundere trope! Does anyone else have tropes that they simply adore?

Actually, buddy.

I’m weak for ice queens. I like defrosting ice queens, too, but I’m very picky about who they defrost to due to bad previous experiences. But yeah, ice queens. Love 'em.


I almost always love a heel-face turn, at least as long as the villain was at least somewhat sympathetic to begin with


I’m always sold on the type of charming and cocky types of characters, it’s just their attitude that reels me in and destroys me in the inside. :laughing:

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I think I like funny characters the most . There are games , where it was a funny companions that helped me get trough it .

I love sad , tear you apart sob story . Sure , but…I LOVE characters who have a sense of humour . When it’s well done…it just a treat to have someone like that walk with you in your adventure .

I also love…‘love at first sight’ vromance…:hugs: they are rare and not always well done . But when it’s well done…its a gem !


tsunderes are love :two_hearts: that blushy face just makes me wanna make them even redder.

pretending to be a couple trope is also great for awkward, funny, and sweet interactions

the sarcastic charming asshole always makes me feel like oh, i wanna be that person’s friend!


what is Tsunderes? yes…I’m showing mah ignorance :sweat_smile:

Tsundere is a term originating from Japan. It is derived from the terms tsun tsun (ツンツン), meaning to turn away in disgust, and dere dere (デレデレ) meaning to become ‘lovey dovey’.
It essentially means that a character goes from a cold and distant (sometimes even hostile) attitude to a more friendlier and warmer attitude, at times falling in love as well.
What I have seen so far in regards of Tsundere characters is that a character like this always stays a little stubborn and/or hesitant in the way they appreciate and show their love for another character/protagonist/player.
Par example: they are frowning and blushing whilst telling the player in a huffy whisper that they would like to go with them to the carnival. All the while they do not dare to make eye contact and they cross their arms. All of this body language tells the reader/watcher/player that they are insecure (avoiding eye contact) and defensive and distant (crossing arms). Yet the blushing tells everyone that they are sincere in their wish to spend time with the other character.

I believe, though am not certain, that there are a lot of Animes which have this Tsundere character. And I bet that if you would type tsundere in the Youtube search machine, you will no doubt find some scenes where Tsundere characters are shown. So if the term still mystifies you, you could always look it up there.



well thanx for explaining that . Yeah , I’m familliar with the concept…just not the name lol

Now, similar explanation also goes with kuudere (cold, insensitive), yandere (obsessed, sometimes with “I’ll rid anyone trying to stop me” intent), and I think forgot this one… but deidere.


I’ve said it before and I stand by it,

I have a critical weak point for moody girls,well… that is, girls in general…but for whatever reason, I find terse quiet girls completely adorable.

Usually they have one or two traits about them that are actually sort of childish, but that just makes them cuter.

There I said it again and I’ll have it marked on my grave if I have to.

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R.I.P Frosty

"“Childish girls are cuter”

Nobody has time to read all that. It would be broken down to something like QGAB(Quiet girls are best.)


But you’re right. I don’t like loud people in general. A quiet person who snaps a lot of jokes aimed at people is the best for me.