I do agree I don’t see the point in a sanity stat. It doesn’t seem to match with this IF in particular. It fits other stories that are more strategic where you have to be constantly aware of the stats, but this story’s choices are more related to the plot than the stats. Having a stressed-out or ruthless MC is just flavor text in Vendetta and it doesn’t make sense to “punish” the player for choosing said options with a sanity bar.
I also don’t want to see a sanity stats for the sole reason that I don’t want to have to be careful of which dialogues I pick for fear that my MC might do something crazy or unexpected that is out of my control because that specific stat is too high or something. I want to pick dialogues that fits my MC’s personality. Like for example, my MC is a combat oriented and smart Heir who is mostly flirty and protective with Ash and Rin while being casual with most people (including the other ROs) and indifferent to some (like the Mother) and respectful and supportive to the people in her Mafia family while having a ruthless and cold personality to her enemies (with a bonus trait for a sadistic interest in torture).
Why does this have so many likes? Is it because of my opinion on the Sanity stat suggestion or my MC’s personality?
For me personally it’s a bit of both, I agree with your take on sanity stat and also find your MC’s personality intriguing
I like the game as is. I’m just sad my play ended as I can’t get enough.
I say no to sanity. Right now I feel like I can be as kind or ruthless as I want, without BS interferences. If enemies want to stop me, then let them come and let them try, but I don’t want some conscientious BS interfering with my gameplay.
What has sanity to do with conscientious? Obviously to go full murder hobo you would need lower sanity. As you also impay that even if friends would go against you,for example they care about you and because of that go against you wishes, you would kill them. Which not a sane person does tbh.
Or does sanity also has a different meaning I don’t know?
What I’m trying to say is that, I don’t want stats to lock me in or out of my decision-making. When I want to kill, I want to kill. When I want to spare people, I want to spare them. I think the game is acting great enough as it is, as we have Full control over our characters. I don’t want my character to go off the rails when I don’t want them to. I want to kill and spare selectively.
Is that not a MC with low Sanity? Because you want to play a psychopath right? And a psychopath is to my knowledge not sane. So it would fit, only if the Author does it in that way. As until now I did not see anything indicating that the sanity would hinder you to kill. Maybe that is only for flavor text.
But I don’t know what author wants to do with the sanity stat. But it is good that you say your opinion so they know it.
Psychopath or maniac, whatever you wish to call it I guess. It just wouldn’t reflect well when taking the gangster route, as someone else already mentioned. After all, you need to be ruthless if you wish to make your grandpa and uncle proud, so that path is not for the faint of heart. To be fair, I don’t care what stats exist in a game, as long as they don’t hinder my gameplay or make my character do automatic nonsense I didn’t ask for. It goes both ways. I wish to kill who I want, or spare who I want without my stats making automatic decisions for me.
Think of it that way: what would be the point of that stat? What would it do? If it’s just there to track stuff in the background and look pretty, and do nothing else, what’s the point of having it? On the other hand, if it takes away from the player choice (for example making it impossible to be ruthless in one situation but gentle in another, which is possible now, either by making stat checks impossible to pass or auto-forcing characters to do something that would otherwise be a choice), why would players, who enjoy having that choice, not see it hindering their gameplay?
Just to say about the whole “sanity” thing, I think a lot of the conversation around it (and the concept itself) is reading as super fucking ableist. Really don’t know why the suggestion took off so much or spurred so much discussion. As has been said plenty, ignoring everything else in this story it would only remove player choice if it had any function at all, and if it didn’t it would be pointless, not justifying its existence in the first place. Additionally it’s not something that fits this story at all on a conceptual or thematic level. There are other stories with a similar sort of idea where it makes sense, being specifically part of the theming and design from the get go, but this one isn’t that. All together a bizarre suggestion in my opinion.
Totally unrelated but it’s bothering me as I’ve been going through the story: is Kim Min-jun intentionally being referred to only by her last name? No one else is and I suspect this is accidental. Obviously directed at the author here, unless this has come up before (searched hers and didn’t see anything but maybe I missed it) and someone else can say either way.
We haven’t seen any eldritch horrors or have gone to a nice secluded fishing village yet, so I don’t see any use in having a sanity stat. Our uncle is a mobster, our dad was killed right in front of us, apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and dunking people in cement is far more interesting than angst.
I blame the mention of eldritch horrors, but I had to do a double take to confirm you didn’t actually write that our uncle is a monster instead of mobster.
I must admit, the torture scene was the most descriptive I’ve ever seen in my history of reading these games. I doubt there is a game that can top it, though I would appreciate it if someone could link me to a demo they feel comes close or actually does so. That being said, great stuff. I’m looking forward to reading more, as well as making it one of my favourites when purchasing.
Well, it really depends on your perception of Luka…
Lol hmm pretty sure there are some out there that would fit the bill but its been a bit so none come to mind immeddiatly.
Kingdoms and Empires has a pretty descriptive torture scene. And I don’t think it will be the last. But yeah, I don’t remember other games rn.
Well, this is going into my Hyuga folder. My ronin would probably be great friends with the heir of Morozov’s family and Ash is best boy.
Also, really appreciate how MC doesn’t angst without a choice about his actions. This makes my murderboy an incredibly stable and ruthlessness man who likes trolling his future boyfriend, his family and killing people. I love it!
Also, is Ash deliberately this anime when bold flirt options are chosen?
Read kingdom and empires, the torture scene there is pretty great it can totally unnerved you