Upcoming ChoiceScript Feature: Checkpoints

Hmmm, but how would it persist the same IFID from build to build? I think it’s better to input it manually and carry the same IFID throughout the lifetime of the project.

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I am going to get real creative with checkpoints. It’s going to get crazy. I love this.

I don’t mind so much that it’s a bit incompatible with Dashingdon’s sm_init system – I think it’s useful for some features of a game to only be available upon full release. That said, other people might mind. Personally, if the command crashes games on dashingdon, my solution would be

*create dashingdon false
*if not(dashingdon)

but that’s kind of a workaround. And if it doesn’t crash dashingdon but just might cause problems, I’m sure there’s workarounds too. Would be good to have some documentation and best practices around it.

Also, restoring a checkpoint out of the stats screen is BIG. I love that.

As is *create checkpoint_exclusions – hot damn. Possibilities. Everyone is going to get superundertaled.


Yeah, the whole point of an IFID is to generate it once per game and then never change it.

It could be done automatically, but it’d have to be done by CSIDE or a CSIDE-like tool, so it can be permanently saved in startup.txt.


Any news about when this will be done?


It was done in November!


Wow! Thank you! Good news for my upcoming Rebirth update…


A post was merged into an existing topic: New in ChoiceScript: HTML Exports, Checkpoints, and Achievements

Closing this topic, moving posts to the New in ChoiceScript: HTML Exports, Checkpoints, and Achievements thread.