Am aware, and have issued a bug report on one thing already myself. (On the flag bit, if someone flags Discobot with the “Something Else” type of flag, it breaks the system, generates an actual flag that I have to resolve, along with bugging me with some spam. Discourse’s response to me telling them that this happens was to tell me this happens, and it only works if someone uses any other kind of flag. [No there’s no typo in that sentence.])
That said, changed the bot’s text to append a couple of notes so that people will at least be aware of what’s going on.
We like our discussions friendly, and we need your help to keep things civilized. If you see a problem, please flag to privately let the author, or our helpful staff, know about it.
I wrote something nasty here
I guess you know what to do. Go ahead and flag this post
as Inappropriate!
(Note that any flag type except “Something Else” will work, but flagging this as “Something Else” will mean I won’t be able to see that you’ve flagged it!)
(Also note that if you haven’t reached the appropriate Trust Level, you won’t be able to flag this. If that’s the case I recommend you spend a little more time more time browsing the forum before returning to complete the tutorial. I’m sorry I can’t tell your trust level, I’m only a simple bot.)
And the warning:
Oh no, my nasty post hasn’t been flagged yet.
Can you flag it as inappropriate using the flag
? Don’t forget to use the show more button
to reveal more actions for each post.
(Note that if you’re not yet at least Trust Level 1 you won’t be able to see the flag button. If that’s the case I recommend you go and browse the forums a little more before returning to complete the tutorial.)
Don’t want to change that in case I or Discourse change the limit. (Also, I don’t consider the exact number very important. When you run out, you run out. It doesn’t really impact use of the forums. ) That said the standard is 50 IIRC.
It’s an intro. I think linking the Trust Levels right in the opening is information overload.
There’s actually supposed to be a link to DM there. I wonder what happens if you try to use it? Does it let you bypass the requirements? Probably not. I can put another warning.
Consider replying to more people
You’ve already replied %{count} times to @%{reply_username} in this particular topic.
Have you considered replying to other people in the discussion, too? A great discussion involves many voices and perspectives.
If you’d like to continue your conversation with this particular user at length, consider sending them a direct message.
Note that if your Trust Level isn’t high enough, you won’t be able to DM them. If they are a long term member of the community, they’ll be able to DM you though.
Also, I raised the threshold for this back up to 2 sequential replies.
The the or
is the only or
. Everything else is an and
Ah, I see where the confusion is now. The or
is the first one listed (even though it was a last minute change, so it didn’t really process as such when I wrote it). I’ve changed it, it now reads:
I think that everything else being an and
should be understandable without further clarification now.
Okay, to the lockout, it’s it’s only the first 24 hours, and separate from trust levels. (The tooltip in the admin panel says The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in the 24 hour period after creating their first post
). IDK if you get a warning or what the warning is. I’m inclined to up it (which it say I’ve upped the limit to 25 in the first day). It opens the window a bit more for griefing, but I’ve also changed our forums so that there’s a lot more tools and responses to griefing in other ways, so I don’t really consider that too big a problem.
Lets see, the New user limits are fast enough that I don’t consider them important enough to mention (again, information overload), especially because a user that isn’t trying to grief, or that isn’t just spamming shouldn’t hit those limits except in unusual circumstances. First day user limits now mentioned in both trust levels 0 and 1. I don’t think any other bits are important to mention?
And no, feedback like this really helps me refine how the forums work. The more people tell me about things, the more I know.