There are actually guidelines that gender shouldn’t be a negative or positive thing. You can find the guidelines here.
That’s why it sometimes feels like our genders are only flavor text. There’s a WIP, Broken Lenses, that has some changes based on whether you’re male or female, but even then, it’s only really flavor text. EDIT: Okay I worded this really poorly. I meant to point out that this WIP tries to make gender actually have an impact on gameplay, as you want, but (as of my last playing) it had stayed mostly flavor text…particularly because it’s difficult to make differences in gameplay without making one seem better (against guidelines) or seeming pedantic. I have since been informed that further changes have been made. @Interestedparty, once again, I’m super sorry for wording it in a way that was hurtful! :C
Just thought you might find that information interesting.