The Weird Things Writers Do

One technique I’ve made use of (that’s kinda wierd) is the “Talk it Out” technique. Basically I mumble out my words while I write. I wouldn’t recommend this in a coffee shop, but I’ve found the voice to be the greatest filter when it comes to writing natural-sounding prose. It forces your writing to be smooth and helps insure the intended tone comes across.

It’s terrific for editing, too. CoG and HG ought to make it a requirement that you read all your words out loud before submission!


in my long story I did…

I decided to add some stuff from my friends into my characters . Nothing outrageous , mostly tiny details…like one of my friend is very tall (compared to me who is a dwarf like lol ) and wrote a dialogue about it too ! or another exemple , was one of my other friend who said something I never ever heard before and decided to add it to the story , cose it fit one of the character .

I didn’t tell them about it though , but they were surprised and loved it .


I always end up emulating the facial expressions of characters in a scene, and when I’m really into what I’m writing, I’ll say dialogue aloud as I write it. I also tend to have dreams about my characters, and when I wake up I immediately take notes on it thinking it’s the greatest scene ever. 99% of the time it ends up being complete nonsense.


It occurred to me that I do have some weird habits.

If I’m about to log on to check feedback, I must be wrapped with a blanket covering my bottom and legs for good luck. I must at least shower or take a bath before starting writing otherwise all I think about is the fact I haven’t showered yet.

I don’t think I utilize any writing methods or techniques. I might inadvertently without being aware of what they’re called. If I have a method, it’s that mostly, I just make the record of what characters say and do. I may write situations, but I’m not actually responsible for how they react.

If that makes sense to anybody other than myself.


I live in a 1 bedroom apartment with 7 people. I never get space for myself to be myself,especially to write. So on days where I just need to get things done. I put my noise cancelling headphones on. Put the toilet seat and lid down, place my laptop on top. Put music that’ll fit the mood of the writing,then get lost.


I write my novels more like I’m making a movie. First I world build setting characters etc. Then I set-up the conflict and storyboard the overall events. I then write the scenes concurrently and achronologiclly. When that’s finished I just edit it into one cohesive story.


Well mine might be more of a chaotic approach to writing.

I write one sentence,then immediately jump to the ending. I remake the ending again and again until it satisfies me. Then,I go back to the beginning and just sit there like an idiot for a straight 3 minutes,atleast,thinking about which characters to add,stuff like that. The protagonist is a blank sheet until then,for me. FINALLY,I give the damn hero a personality.
(This approach is not recommended by the authority of serious writers)


I guess the weirdest thing is I have full on edits in my head to songs. I’ll be there listening to music, and I’m playing through a bunch of scenes and ideas like someone made an edit/AMV or character tribute.
…Not very weird, is it? :joy:


When I’m writing I play writing advice in the background to get me in the head space. The advice isn’t always relevant such as

“How to traditionally write and publish a childrens cookbook for bipolar Spanish asexual women born on a tuesday 2017 French Sign Language edition.”

This advice isn’t always good either, I’d specify what, but I don’t want to open up any cans of worms right now. So I’ll just say that authortube telling me that putting my nuts ask into a blender on high is the best way to use commas, might not be good advice, but it is good for focusing, and thinking about why bad advice is bad can also help you understand it more.

Sometimes I also listen to mythology/history videos to get myself in the odd head space I desire. This isn’t a substitute for actual research, but I’m not making historical fiction/nonfiction so that’s fine, I just do enough to have scientifically accurate magic.

The final thing I listen to is that I imagine that the book is a game. Well it already is technically, but one with music, and I imagine what it would be. Either what would play in the background, what they would listen to, or even what would a super event would be from a HOI4 mod.


I think up a situation and then based on the character I imagine them in it to try and flesh them out a little better based on the general personality traits that I imagine them having just to dig a little deeper into the character. Doesn’t sound too weird.
But I do tend to pace for sometimes hours while working it all out and I sometimes make very emotional voice recordings to try and catch the vibe of the situation and retain it for later… Also post it notes… Everywhere.

When I’m writing, I have a habit of tightly crossing all but my index fingers and thumbs over my pinkies, so I’m effectively typing with three fingers on either hand.

It hurts like a sonofabitch, and my computer teacher was forever getting after me about bad keyboard etiquette, but, like, I pump out a solid 90 WPM (likely out of sheer agony), so I dunno what to say. I also can’t get myself to stop doing it, it’s a subconscious thing.

I solve sudoku’s to get my brain in the mood before I start writing, and make it focus.

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I use sudoku to diagnose how focused I am. If my times are below average, I know that my brain needs rest.


At least you have a brain, that’s less common than people think.

I prefer a fast play of chess vs AI

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The odd things I do?

Well, the shower isn’t odd. But I did have a scene playing out in my head in a night race that ended up with me falling out of the shower. That was embarrassing.

And all the serious content tends to show up when I’m stuck on the toilet for an hour with IBS issues.

Beyond that, I’ll go outside with a cigar with my Pittbull and start telling him about a scene. He’ll give a look or two, which I translate into an question, and I’ll explain or expand on whatever I think he asked.

Sometimes I’ll dance around and ideas pop up.

Or when I get sick and end up curled around the toilet, waiting to vomit, I’ll plan bits and pieces of the story.

Or reenact a scene in my head, which is weird cause it’s thoughts only. I can’t visualize anything, so those moments are very odd. Like having a blindfold on, but hearing a movie playing. You have sounds and words to guide what’s happening, but no visuals.

Some is odd, others not.

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