I’m not sure if I understand what you’re trying to do/explain.
Jason’s method works for circumventing the issues with the random command though.
Actually the guide seems to tackle the subject too. (Although you didn’t mention how I use this method in order to cheat.)
Second, there is a significant unresolved problem with *rand, in that if a player goes to the stats screen and returns, the *rand is re-rolled, and additionally this may cause other commands to refire (such as *set commands), doubling their affects. For this reason, it is recommended that *rand only be used where it will not run at the same time as any other commands, and that it be run at least one page before it is to be used (so that it has no visible affect on the story).
Can you provide an example of this, @Reaperoa ? Sometimes I find examples of code helps me best. (Although that said /I/ don’t need one in this case.)
Also, I believe Choice of Games philosophy is not to rely too much on the randomness. Would mentioning that be appropriate?