Heya guys, so i recently began working on my game again. (80K) words so far. however i came across an error that i have tried SO HARD to fix…but no matter what i do. It just doesn’t seem to work. I shared a little picture below so hopefully everyone is able to see it. does anyone know the reason for this error? and why randomtest seems to detect it no matter how much i change the code? I have been stuck on this for days now…seriously!
I think you need more () there
*if (((var) and (var)) and (var))
if I’m not mistaken
The first cluster of ('s determines how many various variable are accounted for if the operators throughout the *if are identical. So ‘and’ or ‘or’.
When you want multiple possibilities you pair it differently. so
*if (((var_a is true) AND (var_B >=50)) AND (var_C is true))
is when ALL of these need to apply for the *if to trigger
*if (((var_a is true) OR (var_B >=50)) OR (var_C is true))
is when EITHER needs to match for the *if to trigger
*if ((var_a is true) AND (var_B >=50)) OR (var_C is true)
is (if my mind isn’t fooling me entirely) for when either both for A and B need to apply OR for C to apply for the *if to trigger.
You need to do checks 2 at a time.
*if ((x = x) or ((y = y) or (z = z)))
You can learn it better here:
I’ve been at this for days now and was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to finish my game because of it…your solution seems to have worked so far and I can’t express my gratitude enough. Thank you, I hope it’ll be okay to ask again if i somehow run into this particular problem again
Of course it’ll be alright. That’s what the forum is for Good luck with your game.
thank you again! although now that this section is fixed…seems like my randomtest is stuck onto a loop when it comes to choosing one of these choices to practice their skill.
not sure what exactly the problem is here though
If you are returning to the choice-body after each scene, try adding *hide_reuse
before each *if
and see how it works then.
For example, this is from my Ashenmaw game:
You shuffle around on the pillow and think about it.
*label morech1question_red
*hide_reuse #"You @{(question1ch1) said you're a caretaker, but you seem|seem} oddly important. Who exactly are you?"
*set question6ch1 true
*set questions_asked1 +1
*goto question6ch1_answer_red
*hide_reuse #"Could you tell me @{(question2ch1) more|something} about Astia and Kassias?"
*set question7ch1 true
*set questions_asked1 +1
*goto question7ch1_answer_red
*hide_reuse #"I'd like to know @{(question3ch1) more|something} about the Court and the area."
*set question8ch1 true
*set questions_asked1 +1
*goto question8ch1_answer_red
*hide_reuse #"The other strongholds, @{(question4ch1) is there more to|could you something about} them?"
*set question9ch1 true
*set questions_asked1 +1
*goto question9ch1_answer_red
*hide_reuse #"Is there something else to Ashenmaw?"
*set question10ch1 true
*set questions_asked1 +1
*goto question10ch1_answer_red
#"No, I don't actually have @{(questions_asked1 >0) any other|any} questions."
*if (questions_asked1 =0)
*set noquestionch1_1 true
*goto noquestions_ch1_1_red
*goto noquestions_ch1_1_red
after each option (except the ‘no i don’t have questions’ option) the game calls the choice body again:
"No. Well, Kassias often steps in for her, as her other consorts do occasionally, but it's no good. She still has a lot on her plate, and she can be a bit stubborn about it."
"Maybe one day someone can manage to convince her to get some much needed rest. @{(questions_asked1 <5) "Anyway... anything elso you'd like to ask?|"Also talking about having something on your plate... If my nose doesn't fool me dinner's on the way now.}"
*if (questions_asked1 =5)
*page_break You Take A Whiff As Well.
*goto dinner_red
*goto morech1question_red
except for when you have used up all questions (that’s what the questions_asked variable is for).
Due to the ‘hide_reuse’ it will hide the options you’ve already picked.
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