Protagonists are unrelatable

I do know some COG games featuring protagonists unrelatable to me,and it’s really hard to go on reading.So I prefer the author giving a wide range of personalities to choose from.For example,Guenevere.Because apparently everyone has their own kind of personalities unrelatable.And when I say unrelatable I mean the kind of person I can’t stand and can’t imagine myself become into in this or any other lives
Usually,I choose the protagonist I’d like to be,not what I’m like.Anyway,I’m not fun enough to be playing as especially considering I’m being myself everyday.Most of the time I like protagonists who are a little antisaint,cunning,sarcastic,even a little manipulative is okay.But still holds their principles,morally an okay person at least.

Hm…I’m not a saint,and I don’t want to be one,in games or IRL.But even when I’m playing as a villian,I tried to be a cool villian,not an A-hole.