Possibly Controversial idea (The Youth of Andrew Jackson)

I’m not quite sure you or @Havenstone are entirely understanding here.

This isn’t about a feeling of disgust, and by describing it like that, although I know it is likely not either of your intentions, I feel like my concerns as well as the concerns of others in this thread are being diminished. This is about making a fictionalized game starring a real person that supported genocide, during a horrific event that, despite being 2 centuries ago, is still being repeated not just worldwide, but in this very country through the colonization of the Americas’ indigenous peoples. As Havenstone said, the intentions may be pure but I can guarantee that they will not end up becoming pure actions. Even Lolita was grossly misinterpreted, and there are many people to this day that believe the narrator was entirely in the right.

What Jackson did is immediately trivialized when it’s turned into a video game choice. The 2,000-6,000 people that died during the Trail of Tears become justified because in the game some mean Native hurt the protagonist’s feelings. It turns them into a joke in the same way that playing an evil character in a video game is considered a joke.