Pool of Possible Scenes: Anyone tried it?

Yes I’ve also got one that is not released. It’s a stat based dragon survival/hoard gathering game with lots of randomised events and scenes, as well as many that have a percentage trigger (ie the more food and treasure you steal from the locals, the more likely you are to be hunted.) Kind of like Bunnies! which I’m pretty sure uses some randomised events and stats but with some extra mini-chapter kind of events mixed in. You can definitely set it so events don’t happen twice, there’s been a few options to do this in this thread. I’ve done it so that I label events like event1, event2 etc and mark them chosen or not_chosen. An if command sends you back to the random number reroll until it comes up with one you haven’t done yet. (Makes sense to me, but however suits you best)


*label eventselect

*label reroll
*rand event 1 2
*if event = 1
  *goto event1

*if event = 2
  *goto event2

*label event1
*if (event1= "completed")
  *goto reroll
*if (event1 != "completed")
  *set event1 "completed"
  Proceed to event.

Seedship also uses random events and is very popular. (Although it’s not choicescript.)

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