Oh Mother, Where Art Thou? [Updated: 9/9/24](61k Words)

Ready for another mini update?

Roughly about 5,800 words have been added and I need your help! Before I go further I need more feedback on the most recent segment to know if I should keep going down that path, writing wise.

There is a segment that will have the option to ‘ask a question’ or ‘continue on’ only having those two options is temporary until I know if people feel like that segment is dragging on too long.

If you guys could read the update then fill out the updated feedback forum I would be eternally grateful!

Edit: Oh and I forgot to mention, there is a secret route in this update that lets you see extra content. Have fun finding it!

Quick link to the update: Link

Quick link to the feedback form: Link


Loved the story so far and am really enjoying the new update. I like this whole system of asking questions in between dialogues and actions as it greatly increases the overall immersion of the story for me. My opinion would be to continue using it in your future writings.

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This was such a good update and as usual when I started from the beginning I cried. You are a great writer, you make me feel what the MC is feeling and also as a mom myself I can feel Miss June as well. I love the MC’s naivety over things we take for granted like a telephone or gramophone. Seeing you update always brings a smile to my face as this is such a good WIP. Cannot wait to see what happens next.


June better dissappear soon.

I wonder if the MC will just randomly break something say like hypothetically a vinyl record that they love to listen to and then experiences anxiety over this. Good dialogue as usual and hope to meet the neighbours.


That would be so good. Afraid they will be hurt and kicked out again. Oh poor baby! :pleading_face:


Meeting the neighbors is very fun, especially depending on if your MC will be a brat or not :joy:

I also hope if you know about the neighbors, then you also know how to access a sneak peek of Chapter 1 : Act 2 with that knowledge :face_with_hand_over_mouth::blue_heart:


Forgot to post here yesterday:

Another Mini Update (9/9/24)

Okay I know you all prefer big updates rather than a bunch of small ones but I can only write in small segments lately and I get a bit anxious if I don’t share my current progress in a while. Gets worse when I don’t have all the time to answer requests either. :sob:

The IF is now at 55,817 words without code and 61,102 with code.

If you haven’t read since the last official update, then this is a little more than a 5k word update.

What warranted this update is that I added a June POV in the end, I don’t know how I feel about keeping it because I feel like it’s too revealing about June’s past.

I think I’d prefer to keep June’s past a completely mystery for you all to learn about later but at the same time, I wanted to do a deep dive on how the character would be feeling at that exact moment. What was meant to be a little blurb turned out to be a much longer passage that made me tear up a little bit ngl.

Although me crying could just be me fully knowing the backstory lol.

Anywho, I left her POV as optional and I wanted to know your thoughts! Feel free to comment or submit your thoughts to the inbox so I can know to keep this in or not! :blue_heart:

Quick Link to Story: Link

Enjoy! Sorry it isn’t more! :sweat_smile:


I don’t like the possible implications you have sprung upon. The powers of a family table.



Hehe, all in due time! We still have many years in game that need to go by before that happens, that way it’s all the more heartbreaking when she leaves! :smile:


I loved the update! It was nice to see June’s POV and I am glad you put it in.


Love the premise. Looking foward to next update!


I am so glad you liked it! I was worried the POV wasn’t a good idea :sweat_smile:


I am so glad you liked it! :blue_heart:

Quick Update

Hey everyone, sorry for the very low updates with asks and on the IF itself. This semester had been brutal and plus with my job, that both have robbed me of all my free time.

But yesterday on the 18th was my birthday and a day or so before that it was the 2 year anniversary of me starting OMWAT. More than anything it floored me that so much time has passed and how little progress I have made with the story.

For the longest time I have been stuck in a rut of wanting to make just so much more progress than I have been currently able to and it’s been pissing me off more than anything.

Each time I update it’s usually only like a few 5K or 6K words, I mean, two years and I am still on chapter 1? Ugh.

I am not just complaining here either, if anything it’s pushing me to find more time and just keep updating whatever I have done so I can actually see the progress as further motivation.

Right now the dashingdon page has a new update I just dropped where I finally wrap up chapter 1 act 1, and start act 2.

FYI a LOT of it is clunky and unfinished but I really think I just gotta keep micro updating as I go, for my own sanity.

If you decide to wait until much more is done that’s all good with me too, I am very sorry about the long waits in between updates for this IF. :sweat_smile:

Quick update change list:

  • The IF is now at 61k words
  • Fixed some bugs
  • Added chef profession path
  • Chapter 1, act 1 is done; we know will zoom through MC’s development years with June all throughout act 2 (a lot of it is not done!), act 3 is when the heartbreak happens
  • Added a secret trait that you can only find under VERY specific conditions, no special dialouge has been added to it yet but that is planned for the future
  • Added the starting mechanics for MC’s sexuality, only one option for it is shown for now, later in chapter 1, act 2 more of it will show up to cement MC’s sexual preferences
  • Took off the secret lock on chapter 1, act 2
  • Introduced 1 of the the 2 possible childhood best friends for MC
  • We now begin to mold who your MC is during chapter 1, act 2; a lot of it isn’t done but you will see the first of many snapshot moments of their development years.

Here is a quick link to the game if you want to see the small update: Link


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Well life come first glad for situation update though


“When life knocks you on your butt, you jump back up and start throwing haymakers.”
Martin Luthor King probably (Brent Norwalk from the Good Place)

Anyways, happy birthday and don’t worry as much, CHRISTMAS IS COMING AND JACK SKELLINGTON IS SANTA!


ah, I think I forgot to add a space in the plugin.
Should be fixed now!


Hope you had a happy birthday! So excited, I love your work!

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