I have been Summoned \o/ and thank you @Chinya for the rec… all the those scenes I wrote wouldn’t have been possible without your inputs…
Which is to say… if anyone plans on writing explicit sexual interaction for all orientation and gender identity you need beta testers, beta testers, and beta testers.
I’m happy to share the codes and how I manage to pull it off.
And, yes there might be a better way to do this but so far this work for me and I haven’t had any complaints yet from the readers. (So Far.)
1: let’s start with the basics always make sure to have a toggle for the below as not everyone want to read those kind of stuff:
2: The most important thing for me is to not assume and let the player decide.
However… just with that basic choice… I set some codes to give me some preliminary info.
and this is what the code looks like for this choice (NSFW words incoming)
#Young woman (Cisgender).
*set vargender "girl"
*set vargender1 "woman"
*set boo_a "girlfriend"
*set a1_an1 "as a:"
*set vargender11 "woman"
*set vava "woman"
*set gend "girl"
*set snark1 "girl"
*set vava0 "cis"
*set v2v2 "finger"
*set sx1 "pussy"
*set sx2 "clit"
*set sx3 "breast"
*set mich2 "you two are going to be so cute together."
*goto_scene gosub all1
#Young man (Cisgender).
*set vargender "boy"
*set boo_a "boyfriend"
*set vava "man"
*set other1 "other"
*set vargender1 "man"
*set a1_an1 "as a:"
*set vargender11 "man"
*set v2v2 "hand"
*set snark1 "dude"
*set vava0 "cis"
*set gend "boy"
*set dif +1
*set sx1 "ass"
*set sx2 "dick"
*set sx3 "chest"
*set mich2 "make sure you treat her right."
*goto_scene gosub all1
#Young person (Non-binary).
*set vargender "non-binary"
*set vargender1 "non-binary"
*set boo_a "datemate"
*set a1_an1 "as:"
*set mcout true
*set vargender11 "non-binary"
*set gend "person"
*set vava "person"
*set vava0 "non-binary"
*set v2v2 "hand"
*set snark1 "Oh, dear"
*set sx1 "hole"
*set sx2 "junk"
*set sx3 "chest"
*set mich2 "you two are going to be so cute together."
*goto_scene gosub all1
#Young woman (Transfeminine).
*set vargender "girl"
*set vargender1 "woman"
*set boo_a "girlfriend"
*set horm0 "estrogen patch"
*set a1_an1 "as a:"
*set vargender11 "inp"
*set mcout true
*set vava "woman"
*set vava0 "transfem"
*set gend "girl"
*set snark1 "girl"
*set v2v2 "finger"
*set sx1 "hole"
*set sx2 "junk"
*set sx3 "chest"
*set mich2 "you two are going to be so cute together."
*goto_scene gosub all1
#Young man (Transmasculine).
*set vargender "boy"
*set vava "man"
*set other1 "other"
*set vava0 "transmasc"
*set boo_a "boyfriend"
*set mcout true
*set vargender1 "man"
*set horm0 "testosterone patch"
*set a1_an1 "as a:"
*set vargender11 "inp"
*set v2v2 "hand"
*set snark1 "dude"
*set gend "boy"
*set dif +1
*set sx1 "hole"
*set sx2 "junk"
*set sx3 "chest"
*set mich2 "make sure you treat her right."
3: Pronouns doesn’t equal gender Identity so even after choosing your gender Identity you still get to choose your pronouns:
This is what the codes look like for this choice:
What are your pronouns?
*set youhe_she "he"
*set youdo_does "does"
*set youhim_her "him"
*set youdont_doesnt "doesn't"
*set youhis_her "his"
*set youhisz_hers "his"
*set youhavent_hasnt "hasn't"
*set youhave_has "has"
*set youhimself_herself "himself"
*set youis_are "is"
*set youwas_were "is"
*set youwas1_were1 "was"
*set pronou "He/Him"
*set youhe_she "she"
*set youhim_her "her"
*set youdo_does "does"
*set youhavent_hasnt "hasn't"
*set youdont_doesnt "doesn't"
*set youhis_her "her"
*set youhave_has "has"
*set youhisz_hers "hers"
*set youhimself_herself "herself"
*set youis_are "is"
*set youwas_were "is"
*set youwas1_were1 "was"
*set pronou "She/Her"
*set youhe_she "they"
*set youhim_her "them"
*set youdo_does "do"
*set youhavent_hasnt "haven't"
*set youdont_doesnt "don't"
*set youhis_her "their"
*set youhave_has "have"
*set mcpron true
*set youhisz_hers "theirs"
*set youhimself_herself "themself"
*set youis_are "are"
*set youwas_were "are"
*set youwas1_were1 "were"
*set youpron true
*set pronou "They/Them"
*set youhe_she "ze"
*set youhim_her "zir"
*set youhavent_hasnt "hasn't"
*set youdont_doesnt "doesn't"
*set youdo_does "does"
*set youhave_has "has"
*set youhis_her "zir"
*set youhisz_hers "zirs"
*set youhimself_herself "zirself"
*set youis_are "is"
*set youwas_were "is"
*set youwas1_were1 "was"
*set pronou "Ze/Zir"
*set youhe_she "ey"
*set youdont_doesnt "doesn't"
*set youdo_does "does"
*set youhim_her "em"
*set youhave_has "has"
*set youhavent_hasnt "hasn't"
*set youhis_her "eir"
*set youhisz_hers "eirs"
*set youhimself_herself "eirself"
*set youis_are "is"
*set youwas_were "is"
*set youwas1_were1 "was"
*set pronou "Ey/Em"
*set youhe_she "ve"
*set youhim_her "ver"
*set youhavent_hasnt "hasn't"
*set youdo_does "does"
*set youdont_doesnt "doesn't"
*set youhave_has "has"
*set youhis_her "vis"
*set youhisz_hers "vers"
*set youhimself_herself "verself"
*set youis_are "is"
*set youwas_were "is"
*set youwas1_were1 "was"
*set pronou "Ve/Ver"
*set youhe_she "tey"
*set youdont_doesnt "doesn't"
*set youdo_does "does"
*set youhavent_hasnt "hasn't"
*set youhim_her "ter"
*set youhave_has "has"
*set youhis_her "tem"
*set youhisz_hers "ters"
*set youhimself_herself "terself"
*set youis_are "is"
*set youwas_were "is"
*set youwas1_were1 "was"
*set pronou "Tey/Ter"
*set youhe_she "ze"
*set youdont_doesnt "doesn't"
*set youdo_does "does"
*set youhavent_hasnt "hasn't"
*set youhim_her "hir"
*set youhave_has "has"
*set youhis_her "hir"
*set youhisz_hers "hirs"
*set youhimself_herself "hirself"
*set youis_are "is"
*set youwas_were "is"
*set youwas1_were1 "was"
*set pronou "Ze/Hir"
*set youhe_she "xe"
*set youdont_doesnt "doesn't"
*set youdo_does "does"
*set youhim_her "xem"
*set youhave_has "has"
*set youhavent_hasnt "hasn't"
*set youhis_her "xyr"
*set youhisz_hers "xyrs"
*set youhimself_herself "xyrself"
*set youis_are "is"
*set youwas_were "is"
*set youwas1_were1 "was"
*set pronou "Xe/Xem"
#Input your own.
4: Further customization for anatomy:
Because as the author I don’t want to assume… I have this toggle in the stat page where the player can go and make changes of the anatomical terms that will be used in the sex scenes.
The code looks like this
*label char1
[i]Note: When it comes to sex scenes, the reader can always choose what to do. This section is about giving the reader more agency over the anatomical terms.[/i]
This game contains explicit sex scenes and uses explicit words to describe genitals and other body parts. Do you want to:
#Use terms base on my gender choice.
*goto main
#Use male terms to describe those body parts.
*set sx1 "ass"
*set sx2 "dick"
*set sx3 "chest"
*set vargender11 "man"
*goto main
#Use female terms to describe those body parts.
*set sx1 "pussy"
*set sx2 "clit"
*set sx3 "breast"
*set vargender11 "woman"
*goto main
#Use gender-neutral terms to describe those body parts.
*set sx1 "hole"
*set sx2 "junk"
*set sx3 "chest"
*set vargender11 "non-binary"
*goto main
#Add my own set of words to describe those body parts. ([i]this choice will give you the option to type in a word for the upper-body area and lower-body area[/i])
*goto liop
*goto main
*label liop
Please input your word for a lower-body area that can be used to penetrate the sexual partner (example: junk, bits, pole. If none, type in the number zero 0)
*input_text sx2
Please input your word for a lower-body area that can be penetrated by the sexual partner (example: bottom, core, front hole. If none, type in the number zero 0)
*input_text sx1
Please input your word for an upper-body area that can be touched and kissed by the sexual partner (example: chest, bust. If none, type in the number zero 0)
*input_text sx3
*set vargender11 "inp"
This is an example of how your set of words will be used. If they feel clunky, please try inputting them again.
When penetrating the sexual partner:
*if (sx2!=0)
You moan as your ${sx2} slides inside of RO's mouth. [n/][n/]Ro caresses your ${sx2} and kisses it with their mouth.
*if (sx2=0)
You entered 0 and scenes with those references will be hidden.
When being penetrated by the sexual partner:
*if (sx1!=0)
You can feel the pulse of RO's junk as RO penetrates your ${sx1}.
*if (sx1=0)
You entered 0 and scenes with those references will be hidden.
When being kissed and touched by the sexual partner:
*if (sx3!=0)
RO runs a hand on your ${sx3} then kisses it.
*if (sx3=0)
You entered 0 and scenes with those references will be hidden.
Do you want to input them again?
#Yes, I want to input them again.
*goto char1
#No, keep them as they are.
*goto main
After all that work is done, mind you for the player it is just a matter of clicking and making choices and let the codes take care of the rest.
Now for the actual sex scenes based on the choices that the player make some options will be hidden for them.
Example while a man RO and man MC will get this choice:
A woman RO and a woman MC will get this:
Now a non-binary MC will have access to both choices for binary people, however if they went on to customized their anatomical terms and added “0” for some body parts, those choices would be automatically hidden.
Example of non-binary MC with a man RO that added a 0 for the variable sx1 will only get options for the variable sx2 and of course the strap-on.
My favorite use of the advanced character customization is this: