New Choicescript extension for VS Code (2.0 now runs games!)

Yeah, I was afraid it wasn’t solvable but maybe someone with more knowledge could do something about it.

I switched to one similar to the one you mentioned but not specific to coding. It isn’t anything anything like Grammarly as it only checks grammar for individual words but I guess I’ll have to get used to copying chunks of text to some online tool where Grammarly works now.

Name: English Support for LanguageTool
Id: adamvoss.vscode-languagetool-en
Description: Enables grammar checking of English in LanguageTool for Visual Studio Code.
Version: 3.8.0
Publisher: Adam Voss
VS Marketplace Link: English Support for LanguageTool - Visual Studio Marketplace

Thanks anyway. I did try a spell checker but it never seemed to work for me.

This is fantastic! I am new to CS and someone just told me about this. I am ready to move here from CSIDE.

Is this a good place to ask questions about it?

If so…

When I run the Quick test it fails right away, saying:
Quicktest failed: startup line 297: File does not exist: /Users/bjoseph/.vscode/extensions/stephengranade.choicescript-vscode-3.1.1/choicescript/out/images_chapterhead_prologue.png
However, that image is in my files and when I run the game it shows up. I am also unable to find this folder. Thoughts?

How do I 1. make it look for errors within specific files (right now it only looked in my startup.txt), 2. finally, whem it gives me errors I want to ignore, how I can make them go away so it stops telling me about them.

The images I think don’t work for testing, so commenting them out in the meantime is the only “solution” available (at least that’s how I did)

If you are unable to find the folder it’s because it isn’t there, and VSC isn’t finding it either. You can try creating that path and placing the images there but I’m not sure it’ll work.

When you open a file it should look for errors on that file.

Like here, chapter_3 has 7 errors, and they are marked in red.

You can also enable the minimap and you’ll see them there too

I don’t know if you can do that, but you can enable and disable the extension and that will make it stop showing things up.

Thanks @Loudbeat
@Sargent Stephen, Is that right? I need to disable all of my images?

Whoops, yeah, it looks like we’re having problems with images in Quicktest. I’ve created an issue on the Github repository that I’ll need to look into.

I’m working on my first big CS project, and I’m so, so, so, so, so glad I found this extension right at the beginning of my project. It has made the process of learning ChoiceScript and writing my first big interactive piece so much easier.

I wasn’t sure what text editor to use to write my game, then I happened upon a post by @HarrisPS about this extension and tried it on a whim. Thanks to Harris for the indirect advice, and thanks to Stephen for this amazing tool!


@zdillon I’m really glad it was good indirect advice! :smiley: I’ve found it invaluable - it’s my preferred way of writing now by a long way.

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I’m not sure how many other people are using URI to include images in standalone HTML compiles, but the built in browser and error checking seems to have some problems when clicking Run Game.

I am including “.” in the label name so I can simply modify the code with a find/replace:

  • *image cover.png*gosub_scene image cover.png
  • *text_image chapter01.png*gosub_scene text_image chapter01.png

The image.txt and text_image.txt simply contain the following:

*comment image.txt

*label cover.png
*image  center Caption

*label test.png
*image  center Caption

... etc
*comment text_image.txt

*label chapter01.png
*image  center Caption

*label chapter02.png
*image  center Caption

... etc

This works in CSIDE and when compiling to a standalone HTML and when using the ChoiceScript Source but does not work in VS Code using the extension to Run Game in the integrated browser.

Period in Subroutine Issue

I get the following:
Even though:

I figured that it might just be some issue with the error checker so I renamed the labels to exclude the “.” and I get a different issue, the images appear briefly on the screen before blanking out and showing the caption.

URI Image Issue


Thus, two issues:

  1. Error Checker does not parse labels with “.” in their names correctly.
  2. The integrated browser does not properly display URI data as an image even though it appears to successfully parse it.

I’m unable to get images working on my end as well. It was working quite a while ago, so perhaps it is due to the recent updates or some issue with the integrated browser.

Although, if you want to include images within your HTML so that it is self-contained, the *text_image command will allow you to accomplish this. So if you compile using the compile.js, then you’ll get a standalone HTML document without needing to specify URIs. Although it’ll no longer invert the image colors when a user changes to a black background, like *image would. But that can be supported by tinkering with some of the given files if desired.

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Thanks for letting me know about these! @TemplarFounder, do you know if image loading worked for you in the integrated VS Code window, or was that only when it opened the game in a browser?

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Yeah, I recall the images loading when it opened in a browser. I am unsure if I ever tried it with the integrated browser as it has been awhile since now. But yes, now the VS code browser window does not show images when running the game. Although there aren’t any visible errors either, just defaults to the given caption.