Morning, Everyone.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been looking into some other aspects of Choicescript’s engine. I’ve dived a bit into gobsub and rand commands, both of which were first highly confusing for me.
In order to understand how they work, I started a small side project where I’ve expiremented with those, but have, for the time being, starting focusing largely on random-based commands paired with Reader choices to try and see if I could create a scene that’s breathable and more lifelike.
More replayability, yeah?
And then I may have made the mistake to look the topic up, and now I’m questioning what I’m doing in the first place. I’ve seen a lot of comments about people not liking randomness in games/stories, whereas others are fine with it as long as there are still plenty of choices to go along with it so it can still be fun to go through.
As for a gist of the overall pet project I’m using to teach myself this:
It’s a ghost story. I like ghosts.
The MC is on their last night in a haunted estate (manor house with loads of property around it for lots of possible locations to visit later, once I decide to try the gosub_scene command once again). The overall “plot” is trying to stop the ghost from killing the family.
Which is wants to do very badly.
There’s four members – a mom and dad, and two kids from two different marriages.
And here’s where the randomness comes in – the ghost and the “machine” which the player interacts with. The ghost itself is set up with more of an “AI” feel, where it can change course at certain intervals. It can go after different family members or the MC, and the reader won’t know (unless it’s a more obvious, ‘oh shit, it’s coming at me!’ sort of thing).
So, it would be more…responding to the ghost as it pursues its targets or changes course, all which may, or may not, be in the reader’s favor?
When I first started looking into gosub and rand commands, that idea came up and I was, “That’d be a really cool mechanic! I’m gonna try and learn to do it!”
Now I’m about 10k in, and now unsure of myself cause I’m an idiot that reads up on things, and curious if that would be something you all might like to see later on?