Life and Death in Tropeland (potential collaboration?)

This is now open again.

Reminder: If you see a post that you believe breaks the forum rules, that is harassing you or someone else, or that otherwise should not be on the forum, flag it and do not respond. If you feel you need to elaborate on why such a post breaks the rules, or is otherwise offensive, select ‘something else’, describe the problem, and it will open up a thread for you to discuss it with the moderators.

Each flagged post is read by a moderator who decides on a reaction. However, if enough people flag a post before that, the post will also be temporarily removed automatically. As a final option, you can also call the moderators by typing @moderators in the same way you type a name.

Do not respond to posts which break the rules, or which are offensive or rude. Simply flag it, and leave it to the mods.

Do not continue any of the conversation from above that made me close this in the first place. If you want to talk about related topics, first don’t call someone out (some people are currently not allowed to reply and piling on does not help), and second take it off this thread and onto a more appropriate one (if you need to create one, click the ‘share a link button’ and reply as a new topic).