January 2023's Writer Support Thread

As @toeditishuman says: it comes down to what works.

So far, I have found a “prologue” type of introduction a good way to take care of all the housekeeping things (like name, etc) and also as a way to show how stats and other mechanics work.

This thread should help you:

@Hazel – I have a friend who suffers from trigger finger (ofc she is also a writer) … a reminder to take breaks and allow for stretching and such is very important for us all, whether we realize it or not, so thank you for reminding us every so often.

@toeditishuman – welcome to the community. Thank you for choosing to participate in the support thread as your first post. :revolving_hearts:

@Jjcb – Remember the dress shoes and accessories to go along with the dress :wink: In all honesty, you are doing great… so please keep doing what you do.