"It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement"

After testing, I don’t believe it is possible, but I wanted to know if you can add multiple ifs to the same page.

I know that you can do *if (egg =1) and (grape=1) you could put “you have an egg and grape.”

But would it be possible, in the same page, to do them like:

*if egg=0
You have no egg
*if egg = 1
You have an egg

*if grape = 0
You have no grape
*if grape = 1
You have a grape

Or something of the sorts? Mostly because I want to put a text under each possibility. And consedering it is multiple things, rather than 2, it would be simpler to write like that.

Your problem are quite similar to mine some time ago.
Let me link you my thread about that.


You see, unless I am dumb ( I might be) I don’t believe it is the same problem.

I’m going to explain my reasoning. Basically, it’s part of my stat page. I wanted to be creative and give a small description of each stat in each stage. So, let’s say, with charisma zero, theres a certain description. With charisma one, a different one.

And thus i wrote.

*if charisma = 0
(0) You are uncharismatic by nature, and lack the charm to impress people. They’ll likely want to communicate with a door instead.

*elseif charisma = 1
(1) You have started to create the attractiveness that allure people to you, but you have a long path.

*elseif charisma =2
(2) Although there is a lot to learn, you have enough charisma to allure most fools.

However, this doesn’t work, because

choicescript_stats line 11: It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block.

And you see, I could put finish under each elseif, but charisma isn’t the ONLY stat supposed to be on the page. And if I do put finish, as I saw before, it only displays charisma and no other stat.

So I wanted to know if I could put, for example, two ifs like that under each other.

It would look kinda like this:

[b] Charisma [/b]
*if charisma = 0
  (0) You are uncharismatic by nature, and lack the charm to impress people. They'll likely want to communicate with a door instead.

*elseif charisma = 1
  (1) You have started to create the attractiveness that allure people to you, but you have a long path.

*elseif charisma =2
  (2) Although there is a lot to learn, you have enough charisma to allure most fools.

[b] Dance [/b]
*if dance = 0
  (0) You don't dance, period.
*elseif dance = 1
  (1) Even if you do lack the confidence to dance in public, you can do on the privacy of your room.

*elseif dance = 2
  (2) You're sure you won't step on your partner's toes. You focused solving that problem for a while now.

But as I said before, it won’t work. So my question is, if theres another way I can do it.

After each if or elseif, you can have a *goto linking to the next section.

[b] Charisma [/b]
*if charisma = 0
	(0) You are uncharismatic by nature, and lack the charm to impress people. They'll likely want to communicate with a door instead.
	*goto Dance
*elseif charisma = 1
	(1) You have started to create the attractiveness that allure people to you, but you have a long path.
	*goto Dance
*elseif charisma =2
	(2) Although there is a lot to learn, you have enough charisma to allure most fools.
	*goto Dance

*label Dance
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AAhh thank you, yes, that did seem to solve the problem. I thought it woundn’t, seeing as labels tend to change the page, but it didn’t! Thank you!!!

Labels only change the page if you use *page_break.

Glad I could help!

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Ahh… right. My post isn’t exactly answered your problem :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway, if what you’re wondering is whether you can use multiple *if on a single vignette/section (as you mentioned on the 1st post), then yes, you can :ok_hand:

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