That’s what I’m talking about. Definitely do that
I think I understand where you were coming from when you wrote that part. You wrote that part and then also offered for people to input other last names. But since there offered ones aren’t that diverse, it can look like minorities are but an after thought.
It might seem small, but small stuff like this an make others feel so much more welcome.
Another suggestion is that you could also add another option where players can input their own pronouns. You do include the option of choosing nonbinary in the demo. But again, what might seem a little thing could make others feel very welcomed and like they count. Because most of the time they are an after thought.
Here is a recent thread where the latter is talked about.
Anyway, it’d be nice to see some first nation people’s last names too! I can’t recall games with thar option (maybe Tinstar, but can’t remember).
Some last names to have in mind are: Ahenakew, Ramirez, Flores, Wang, Chang, Kim, Park, McLoughlin, Nguyen, Tran, Fernando, Chernyshevsky…