If I wanted to let players pick more than one choice how do I do that?
For example during training players can pick two from weights, cardio, running or sparring
how do I code this?
If I wanted to let players pick more than one choice how do I do that?
For example during training players can pick two from weights, cardio, running or sparring
how do I code this?
*choice Shape Color
#Hard Mode
Credit to @Reaperoa for this.
@JimD Uh… I think you missed a renaming a few lines :-p Also, can’t take credit, that always ends up going to management for writing these things into CS in the first place.
(Copied code with - for spaces 'cause ``` isn’t doing spaces right at the moment):
*choice Shape Color
The two words on the same line as the *choice command show up before each group of #choices, as “Choose a(n) (Groupofchoices)”. They can only be single words, not variables, and whether it displays a or an depends on the first letter of the word. Other than that, I haven’t experimented with this much.
Thanks, I’ve got the choices working.
It took awhile and in the end I had to settle for choosing a focus (physical, mental, skill or spirit) then choosing one of four trainers to get taught.