How far do you take player customization when you have a lot of characters?

It’s not so much that it’s overwhelming to code, but more so that i worry it’s a lot for the player to go through. I played a game once from Choice that allowed you to fully customize the appearance of like five RO’s and u got suuuuuper overwhelmed. Couldn’t remember who was who or what is just picked, and it made them feel very Impersonable.

I guess that is my answer, haha. A lot of folks here have said the Dave thing- i think i just got caught up in the idea of emerged or not people would expect it.

I am thinking I’ll put in a static appearance for the two RO’s similar to how you said, with maybe minor variations based on gender chosen


Oh yeah, I understand what you mean lol. If you still want to have that option maybe you can let the player go through customising options or skip them entirely (resulting in default appearance).

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Now I am not an experienced author or anything, but I have played a few games before and I must say that having to choose option after option gets a bit too much. Sure you want options in your game, but you don’t want to spend 15mins on choosing visual characteristics. In my opinion of course, I just want to get down to it after perhaps choosing my look, and see how the story develops.


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I think I totally agree. I’m glad this seems to be the majority thought- i got into a spiral thinking a lot of people would want this, but that I personally hated it lol.