I see that pretty much every demo game has it, but when it’s published it’s just gone? how do I get it back?
On the WiPs the saving system is usually added by the author (plugin on dashingdon) or build into the hosting site (cogdemos).
But there is no build-in save system (as in one with multiple saveslots that you can reload whenever) in the game engine itself.
There is the possibility for checkpoints (*checkpoint
I belive? or savepoint) in the engine
A save-anywhere function isn’t something CoG has ever supported. People have written workarounds that can be applied to WiPs, but when CoG publishes a game, checkpoint saves are the only kinds available.
Authors can build in a choice in the stat screen so players can load whenever, but yes, there isn’t save-whenever built into published games.
In ChoiceScript, the save/load feature is added for demo games but isn’t available in published ones. Published games only have checkpoint saves, but authors can add a basic save option in the stat screen if needed.