How do you tend to make your protagonists?

Does she date girls?


Most of the times, yes.


Yes! Then most of the time you’re playing me! I feel honored, should I give a speech? Do I get a trophy :blush:


Get a room. :innocent: :angel:


Funnily enough, I think one of my Monsters of New Haven High characters also seems to be Lizzy (except bi instead of les). Succubus that is cheerful and nice and kindhearted to everyone she meets and who legitimately loves everyone she enters a relationship into.
The first character I’ve played like this, even with my habit of creating a new character every time I play a game, depending on what best fits the scenario.

It seems we are all turning into Lizzy.

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I usually play a character that is closest to me, or how i would want to be. Making all the decissions as i would decide myself in the character’s place. But with a small twist to fit the setting and story. For example in Guenevere: an arranged marriage would be a big no and infuriating thing for me in real life, but for a character in that setting i roleplay it as something normal/usual, justyfying it with something similar to real life, Like in this place an matchmaking with a celebrity :slight_smile:

Well, it depends on the game… But in general, I don’t really like to create an alter-ego of me as my MC.
I mean, I usually make choices acording to my own beliefs and I create some limits of the type of choices that I’d never make. But I don’t usually try to recreate my own personality with the character, I like to experiment with different motivations to push my charcters, and I like them to have different types of flawes.

I neither tend to play always as a male, I have a tendency to create female protagonists. However, I must admit that since COG games offer the gay romance options, I like to try them with a male MC, so I’ve played with more male Mcs that I’d have done otherwise. So, usually I create two playthroughs, one with a female MC and one with a male one, and I try to create them with two different, though not completely opposite personalities.

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Hmm… Lately I’ve been naming all my MC’s Toby regardless of their gender.

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Hmmm an army of me… rainbow princess power!


With a few exceptions (like Choice of Robots) I try to make my character the strongest and toughest girl I possibly can, but I also make her avoid most conflict, because I just like the idea of a gigantic character that looks like she is just gonna murder her way through the story (and probably can) but chooses not too out of the kindness of her heart


When Making a protagonist I tend to make a blank slate, to put the main character into a ‘sympathetic’ situation a place and time in which the player can truly see the MC’s point of view before slowly veering away from reality and into the fantasy world I’ve built.

ALSO one of the most successful tricks I’ve discovered by accident is to give the MC a non-descript handle/nickname to be used outside of the story. When people talk about “MC’s” it seems so impersonal and distances you from the character without noticing it. but give the MC a good nickname/surname/handle and they’ll have an easier time talking about that character.
Ei) Say you’re talking about a dog named jack “Hey the dog is so cute and did this.” they actually say “Jack is so cute and did this.” the feeling of that change makes a cool difference… to me at least. Kinda like the difference between a strange animal and a beloved pet.

My first playthrough is always what I’d want to do in the given situation… Or at least, what I’s think I’d do/ the ideal me would do.

The next few playthroughs are then me experimenting with choices I like, seeing how they go.

Finally, I spend a night on my bed, thinking about what characters I would make for said game.

And then I get the hell out of bed thirty minutes later, ignoring the fact that it’s one in the morning and that my parents would kill me if they found me, and start making said characters, making a rough “choice map” in my head if there’s no save system.

Ahhh, the powers of a sixteen-year old, undeveloped mind when it’s bored.


I tend to play as “me” at least the first time - choosing abilities like mine and making choices I think I would make, or as close as I can get. Sometimes the character veers away a little, though, depending on the game and the available choices.
Sometimes type of game or possible choices inspire me to make a character with a certain personality, but it varies.
I am starting to make more distinct characters now though, although some will obviously share aspects of my personality. This is after I played A Midsummer Night’s Choice with a character that was basically me in that world, and I’ve got so attached to the character and the storyline I got in my “main” playthrough that I can’t bring myself to make a character in another game that’s so similar to me. I’ve even had to “retire” the name I used to give to my self-inserts. Oops.

I rarely ever base my protagonists off of myself.

What I like to do, for the most part, is try and get a feel for what the role it is that I’m making my character for and then develop them as I go about the game. This usually means that, at the start, I have a fairly weak understanding of who they are as a character, but, through the progression of the game, they start to develop their own… sense of self, I suppose. I jokingly say that I spawn my MCs like a broodmother 'cause that’s… kinda what I do. :sweat_smile: I try not to make repeats if I can. Do I sometimes use the same name? Yes, but that’s just me usually being lazy.

Speaking about ChoiceScript games specifically, I think… I only have one MC so far that is actually somewhat based off of me. I say somewhat because he isn’t me, but he does share some of my own experiences. In a lot of ways, he is kind of what I wish I could be while still retaining his own identity. He’s also currently my icon, haha. :joy: The rest of my MCs tend to just adapt to their circumstances or I’ve given them their own stories. Granted, that’s a lot easier to do in games set in modern settings (hence why I have so many boys for ZE:SH).

@Cecilia_Rosewood knows of my MC that has an unhealthy obsession with Jason in Empty Shell, but that’s in no way a reflection of me, y’know? The poor guy just imprinted onto Jason. It’s not his fault. :cry:

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I never base a character around myself, as for the type I like to go ruthless asshole who is all for their own personal gain. But depending on the game I can’t always do it succesfully, but still pretty assholish in the end. Subsequent playthroughs tend to be more paragon.

First I do a perfect badass neutral good character, which is my true mc. Then I create a lot of characters with different personalities and try to achieve the multiple endings of cog games.

I tend to create different characters for every game. It’s really rare that I make a character based on myself (well, I have that IRL already, don’t I?). The type of character I create depends on my current mood or on whatever role I feel like playing atm, I guess.

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I always just model the protagonist after me (I always choose what I think I would do, hell, I always put their name as mine). Only when I replay the game is when I try a variety of different characters.

Trans-ly. As transly as the game bloody well allows. Sign me up for being the most blatant nb this side of the UK.

Consistent character? Heh, screw that, I’ll drop it the second I can to be the most flamboyantly nb and trans I can be. Regardless of game restrictions. Watch as my characters become the most colourfully bitter androgynous dorks. Whatever it takes.

I have around four set character ‘archetypes’ that I use for each game that I find generally tends to cover a good amount of possibilities.

  1. A stern, self-sacrificing, and serious character who, despite being rather prickly, is at the core idealistic and has a soft spot for revolutionary causes. When stats are involved, always go for intelligence first and foremost, then willpower/determination.

  2. A cheerful, kind, and happy-go-lucky character who is, despite their intention to do good by everyone, is indecisive and prone to temptation. Generally inexperienced, young, and not very charismatic. Regarding stats, prioritize dexterity.

  3. A scheming, devious, and manipulative character. However, even though they seem like a jerk, and believe that the ends justify the means, is at their core still not someone who would wantonly pursue evil causes. Prioritize charisma.

  4. Someone who just doesn’t give any shits about anything and is only interested in their own self-gain. Despite that, isn’t stupid, and is interested in playing the long game for power.

After that, I usually just play whatever to clean up whatever paths are remaining/whatever achievements I have left lol.