How do I put multiple choices on one page?

I have an example I used in my competition game for @Lordirish’s CS Comp last year.

Here’s the code:

Two choices on one page

*choice Philosophy Outlook
  #I'm the conservative, law-bound sort.
    #I try to be charitable.
      *set alignment "Rule-Following Altruist"
      So you're a rule-following altruist. And you'd think they'd write something more charitable sounding on your Stat Sheet, but no. There it is, in black and white: "Rule-following Altruist".
      *goto onwardsever
    #I view life as a constant give-and-take, always in flux.
      *set alignment "Equitable Rule-Follower"
      You follow the rules, and you expect your friends and colleagues to invest as much in you as you do in them. Fascinatingly, the Sheet sums up your views as an "Equitable Rule-Follower".
      *goto onwardsever
    #All beings for themselves - and I prioritise my own needs and desires.
      *set alignment "Rule-Following Opportunist"
      And obviously, the best way to fulfil my desires is by keeping within the bounds of the law. Jails are not very desirable estates.
      The Statistics Determination Board has thus chosen to sum up your views as a "Rule-following Opportunist." Not exactly charming, but not exactly unfair either.
      *goto onwardsever
  #I consider myself flexible about such things.
    #I try to be charitable.
      *set alignment "Nonpartisan Altruist"
      You follow the laws when it seems reasonable to do so, but being kind or caring is much more of a priority for you. Your Statistics Sheet, thus, defines your views as a "Nonpartisan Altruist." Not a perfect definition, but it will have to do.
      *goto onwardsever
    #I view life as a constant give-and-take, always in flux.
      *set alignment "Equitable Nonpartisan"
      Community is all about compromise; your needs amongst the needs of others, your kingdom's needs amongst the world's. Rules aren't as relevant to all that as most people think they are.
      Fascinatingly, the Statistics Determination Board decided to sum up your views as a "Equitable Nonpartisan". Probably more dignified-sounding than it warrants, but there we are.
      *goto onwardsever
    #All beings for themselves - and I prioritise my own needs and desires.
      *set alignment "Nonpartisan Opportunist"
      Laws are laws; they can be useful, and you can break them when they're not. But as for your own needs - well, you should always take care of Number One. Who else will?
      The Statistics Determination Board has rather tritely summed up your perspective as a "Nonpartisan Opportunist." Who comes up with these things? Jeepers.
      *goto onwardsever
  #I believe we all should rule ourselves, without anyone telling us what to do.
    #I try to be charitable.
      *set alignment "Altruistic Anarchist"
      Rule by a monarch, or by the majority, only oppresses those who are not in power. No, all beings should rule themselves, and settle disagreements as a cooperative group. Besides, if everyone learns to consider one another, share, and even sacrifice, the number of conflicts would surely lessen.
      Rather fascinatingly, the Statistics Determination Board sums up your attitude as an "Altruistic Anarchist." Alliterative, if not terribly descriptive. The perils of bureaucracy at work, right there.
      *goto onwardsever
    #I view life as a constant give-and-take, always in flux.
      *set alignment "Equitable Anarchist"
      The people should rule themselves, learning to barter, trade, and protect one another.
      That's the only way society can really be equitable - if everyone gives and takes in equal portion and according to needs. And that's what I expect from myself, and my friends.
      The Statistics Determination Board has decided, according to their own weird logic, to call this view "Equitable Anarchist". Fair enough; it's not as if you can call them and argue the finer points of definition.
      *goto onwardsever
    #All beings for themselves - and I prioritise my own needs and desires.
      *set alignment "Anarchy-Inclined Opportunist"
      A truly selfish society, if wise, will figure out how to get along with one another for mutual protection, fulfilment, and survival. And really, all beings are intrinsically selfish. So why should one selfish person have more power than the other selfish people?
      No, if you take care of Number One, you'll make sure you have what you need. And it's up to everyone else to do the same. And the Statistics Determination Board, as is its wont, has summed up your viewpoint as an "Anarchy-Inclined Opportunist". Charming.
      *goto onwardsever
*label onwardsever

It looks like this on the page:

You can try it by plugging my code into the current version of CSIDE (just start a new, blank project, and be sure to put *temp alignment "" at the top of my code block so you have the variable you’ll need). If it’s still unclear, I could try to write up an explanation for you.