Help with Randomtest error message - Can't fairAdd to non-percentile value

There’s a reason to stick with fairmath or nonfairmath for a stat the entire game. Replacing %+ to simply + might be easy; for the opposite, you can search with specific keyword *set [var] + and then replace all with *set [var] %+.


Yeah, going from regular math to fairmath is crossing the Rubicon. You can start out using simple addition and subtraction (well, to a point*), but once you start using fairmath with a certain variable, you can never safely go back. You certainly can’t go back and forth.

*Basically, the sum of all of your “+” amounts can’t exceed (100 - the variable’s initial value), and all of your “-” amounts can’t exceed the variable’s initial value. So if a variable starts at 25, you can’t have “+” values modifying it that total above 75, or “-” values totaling above 25, across the whole game.

Or, most simply, just use fairmath for each of those stats all the way through.

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