Heart of a Dungeon (WiP): Update 12/09/2023

Options to “install” features in your floors are unlocked through a certain choice.
Not yet available in the demo


I’m a massive fan of the dungeon core genre. Im so
ecstatic for this!


Well I hope it lives up to your expectations then!


I just did a quick scan of the demo, I’m 100% percent sure it will.

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You watch as larger and sturdier-looking rats start spawning in the nest in your walls. They come out fully grown and immediately search for other small invaders to kill. By focusing on them, you can tell your swarm has become more dangerous with these new additions.

However, the rat that approached you also started to change. It grew larger than any of the other spiders until it reached the size of a small dog! Its fur changed from plain brown to having black spots too. Suddenly, you feel a stronger connection with it.

Master… What is my name?

You hesitate for a moment at the sound of the husky, mysterious-sounding voice in your mind. It takes you a moment to link that voice with the rat from before. Somehow, you know that this rat is now the boss of the others. You feel a mental nudge as it still awaits your answer.

  1. Maybe consider removing the first bolded section since were given the option to have them focus on something besides hunting
  2. Bolded section has spiders used instead of rats.

Is it big enough to be a genre? I’ve seen a few, but not that many.


I’ll get that second part fixed. The first bolded section is to let you know that no matter what your choice, your monsters still hunt. So you still gain mana from that.

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This story has a lot of potentials I can’t wait to see how this story continues oh and just asking how many words will be included in the story?

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Wow such a cool concept! I love it. Really looking forward to reading more!

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If it’s not too spoilery when we gain our own body will it be like entirely human or will it have something that ties us to monsters like for the crypt something like a lich or the forest some parts of animals?
And when will we gain our body?


Looks like there’s going to be sh*t ton of works ahead of you, chief. Good luck, though, this story is really interesting.


Hard to say at the moment. But just this part of chapter 1, once the other starting options are finished, will have a wordcount of over 35k (That is not including code/commands.) and there’s still more to come for chapter 1. So take your best guess. Also, community support is a big factor on how much extra may be developed for it.


It’s not too spoilery because it’s more a question of IF you find a path to gaining some kind of body. There are a number of ways to do it. And prerequisites you need to meet. So, it will be late in the story. (You will definitely get play time in the body if you unlock it).


This looks interesting, will keep an eye in it, I called my Strangler tickles :wink:


Bro, i absolutely loved this demo, i hope you can make this blossom into an amazing IF

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I hope so too! C’mon author! When’s the next update?


Hello, this is the author here. The update is nearly ready, and thank you for flying with Fantasy Airlines this evening.


I, eh… @Antihero are you okay?


Yep, just a bit tired lol.


I apologize for that absolutely awful person who asked for the update. It was so incredibly kind of you to answer them and thank them for purchasing a ticket.