Guenevere (WIP)

Hey, the Lady of the Lake was Vivien loooooong before Dragon Age! Literally centuries before!! But I look forward to seeing what nicknames you come up with for Guen’s two possible children…

In reference to those nicknames, will in-game Guen be able to give nicknames?

A part of me reallly likes the idea of giving birth to both Arthur and Lancelots children because magic but no. :frowning: (cries)

Well now I can imagine Arthur as Hugh Dancy ,not for the physic but for the innocent look he has (example:link)


Alexander and Cleopatra … heirs to the Royal family :slightly_smiling:

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If or when the child finds out their parentage can they change their names to their true one?

Also on the topic of names, was your version of Lancelot born Galahad? All I ever heard was he changes it when he is a kid, but I never knew why…

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(1.) So, is there a possibility that Lancelot loves Arthur as a friend and possibly something more?
(2.) If yes and Guenevere finds out would she be suspicious of their friendship even more? Would she get a choice to do something about it?
(3.) If Guenevere is having an affair with Lancelot and she finds out about Lance would there be a chance to end the affair?
(4.) Does Arthur know? If he doesn’t will he find out? How will he feel about it?


Doesn’t Lance loving Arthur reinforce the idea that Guen can love both of them at the same time?


I’ve probably asked this before, haven’t I? Can Guen ever tell Lance/Arthur that?


Wow this game is awesome . When is there more content coming ? Pretty sure this is a HG if not CoG quality game :smiley:

It’s typically considered rude to ask when more content is given.

Also, Vigilo Confido, eh? Nice Portrait.

More content will come when it comes. Just a warning, people will tend to flag your post for asking.

(Yes people, i’m not dead. I’m just lurking and playing STO, SWTOR, XCOM 2 and doing college schoolwork)


The possibility of letting the reader input nicknames for the NPCs came up once before… still not sure; it could be really fun; just a matter of doing it in a way that makes sense. Probably something to think about adding later, after all the parts are finished.

Yeah, I decided that for this story/universe, magic can’t change basic reproductive biology. The tensions of not being able to use magic that way seemed to fit the story and its themes.

Huh… my mental image of Arthur is based on someone I knew in “real” life, and I have to say, (younger) Hugh Dancy looks more like that person than any other celebrity anyone has fancast as Arthur so far.

The child will have their true name – sorry if that was confusing. Vivien will know the baby’s true name and tell everyone what it is. The name won’t be any indication of paternity; it will just be a name.

I don’t think so, because there isn’t any reason for a name change in the way I’ve constructed his backstory (more on that in his prequel). I could change my mind later if I make changes to his backstory, but probably not.

As a result of some combination of fae sense and intuition, Lancelot has always been able to tell that Arthur wasn’t interested in other men that way, so he’s never seriously entertained any hopes of a mutually romantic relationship with Arthur. He might wish things were different, but he has his coping strategies – being the best knight and best friend he can be, and distracting himself with the ladies. So there really isn’t much to discover. Guen will be able to ask Lance about it in part 3 (or so I’ve planned), and that conversation may be a prerequisite to the A/G/L OT3, depending on how things play out. I haven’t been planning on adding any elaborate relationship changes based on Guen finding out that Lancelot is attracted to Arthur; by the time Guen can find out about it, it’s going to be very old news and something Lancelot has long accepted. But who knows; maybe once I see exactly what he has to say about it at the time, I’ll give Guen some more negative reaction options.

Arthur is oblivious in parts 1 and 2. As he gets a little older and gains more experience, he may start to put the pieces together on his own. He’s not stupid. His surface-level reactions will vary depending on circumstances (and could easily include never saying anything about it, because of not wanting to make things awkward). Internally, it would only deepen his respect for Lancelot and make him feel more than a little sad (even somewhat guilty), but also grateful that Lancelot cared about him enough to be a good friend and never ask for anything more.

Indeed it does, and I think you will enjoy part 3. :smile:

Thanks! As @Fallaner says, it’s against forum rules to ask when a WIP will be updated, but you’re new here and you seem nice, so we’ll give you a pass this time. :slight_smile: Check out the first two items on the Guenevere FAQ.


Orlais? Viviene in Orlais? Nah. She’d get killed by fanatic templars before she even entered the docks. Or maybe fanatic mages… who knows.

I approve (+1)

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But Arthur doesn’t swing Lancelot’s way. :wink:

Ideas’ intriguing though…

Personally, I imagine Arthur having short blonde hair (ala the Merlin series look) and emerald green eyes. For Lancelot, I imagine him having long black hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a more tanned complexion than Arthur’s. He does go around a lot more than the King does…

I imagine Morgana with the same eyes as Arthur, but with long black hair and fair skin. And Guen looks like Fiona from the Shrek series in my mind. Her human version mind you. It really it nice to imagine our versions of the legends.

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This thread will blow up when this happens, I can’t wait. Two of the people I introduced this game to immediately asked if Arthur/Guen/Lance was possible.

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Thanks for the reply ! Didn’t know that I can get flagged for asking about updates though , so sorry !

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Thanks to both of you ! It’s true that I’m new , but I still feel the need to say sorry ! And thanks for the link ! :slight_smile:

Speaking of which, I think the new king in the latest Shrek movie was named Arthur.

Edit: I just googled it. It actually is Arthur Pendragon. And MERLIN IS THERE TOO!!

And this chick was Guinevere.

So uhmm…yeah… :laughing: If you never mentioned it I would’ve never noticed. I think I’m going to add Shrek into the ‘required reading’ pile of Arthurian legends. Did anyone else notice this??? :laughing:


Heres another gif. I wanted to add it but ‘new users can only post one image’.

It’s how Arthur came to be king. Wished Uther died that way…

Oh daang. I knew there was an Arthur centric Shrek somewhere but I didn’t think of it either. LOL
Hm… maybe I should revise the Gwen in my mind. :smile:

I am making this Guenevere for a comedy playthrough xD

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