@dfabulich I feel like I’m too much of a novice to get all of it. But essentially, where we’re at right now, is that a variable can be changed on the stats-screen but the change doesn’t carry over or last, like you said.
I’m not sure I understand how that would create an infinite loop though, if you close the stats screen, reopen the game, and the stats update, or vice versa, pause the game and open the stats screen and the stats update. Won’t that just happen once, when you open and when you close it? I honestly don’t know. I get what you’re saying that currently it’s set to update only when you click next or the equivalent. Is there no way around that then? Updating it when you reload the main game returning from the stats screen or arrive at the stats screen?
I haven’t played any of these games on an ipad, didn’t know they differed that much. That sounds like it’s a whole different system then? I suppose you can’t “close” the stats screen at all then in the ipad version, thus negating any fix I could think of.
Like @fantom said; "I know something similar can be achieved with *gosub_scene and such, but the player would only be able to access it when they have the option put in, whereas with this the player could access it at any time just like the stat screen. "
This is essentially what I’ve been saying, if you have something like an inventory system on the stats screen, then you won’t have to insert code everywhere, gosubbing to it. That’s what I’ve been hoping for. Though I dunno if adding another button would work either, because then we’d just be having the same problems? Unless you could create a permanent gosub button.
And thank you to @Havenstone for linking, I wrote a few examples there as well, of a few things that could be achieved if the stats screen could update and stay updated.
If the only way to update it is through next and it can’t be changed, then I’m stumped. Creating your own gosub button up among the stats and the achievement ones though, how does that sound?