True, yet in its golden days Bioware built a successful business model in part on just doing that. Even some franchise action/adventure games used to give the choice. Like Star Trek Elite force.
Though I’ll concede production costs of AAA games haven risen sharply since then. Bethesda does it too for its open world games.
Ugh, look at me getting my wires crossed and simultaneously proving why humans make the worst kind of (eye) witnesses.
I basically summarized an entire 2016 discussion in my head and then mis-attributed who said what to whom and and when of the different actors in it.
That said my own take was that in addition to leaning to the feminine side (which isn’t necessarily bad and the mc in that game does need to be able to pass as a believable female quite well) the mc in there got pushed a little bit too much into the damsel category for my liking.