February 2023's Writer Support Thread

January went worse than I hoped, but better than I feared.
My goal was to work on building up a writing habit - aiming for a base of 500 words a day from which I can improve over the year.

The result (according to my habit tracking app) was 18/31 days where I hit my 500 words target, and another 3 where I scribbled some notes or just played with my trello board.

Finding the drive to start on any given day is the struggle so far, with work and migraines pressing in on that motivation from both sides like the horns of the buffalo.

This month is already off to a bad start with 0 words written, but I’m setting two goals for it this time round. The main goal remains 500 words per day, with a secondary goal of getting a 7day unbroken streak. I’ve got ideas practically overflowing for the story, it’s time to actually write them down.

There’s a few interesting papers on the causes of civil war in general - I realise that might not be an appealing option to a pantser, but here’s a link to a relatively short (and freely available) one that might be useful. The Causes of Civil War


my february goal is to finish chapter 1. I’m still on my break, so I’ll make the most of it.

good luck, everyone!! :heart_hands:


Thanks for the link. It’s just the kind of thing I’m looking for.


Chapter 2 is finished!!! Thank god. Now on to planning chapter 3.

New February goal: finish paper planning and typing up the code skeleton so I can enter in full writing in March .


I’ve already failed this. I got assigned a project last night that needed to be done today that kept me up till midnight then I got up at 6 to finish, so no writing got done.


Honestly, not sure how good a plan this was anyway. 30m every day seems like it’d be less productive than 1 hour every two days, or something like that.


Any action plan to encourage yourself to make progress can be viable.

In a situation where time is the most limited resource, allocating thirty minutes can keep your momentum going until you get to a period in your life you can spend bigger blocks of time writing.

Life happens, and occasionally, it means we pick ourselves up and move forward from that time.

The main thing is to not beat yourself up, and by doing so, make it harder to let go of the situation.

Tomorrow is a new day. :revolving_hearts:


An illustration of this effect I just whipped up:



I’m about two weeks behind schedule, but I still hope to be ready for open beta by the end of this month, at the latest.

Left to do:

  • Edit in the list of fixes provided by my helpful beta crew.
  • Finish the last two options in the endgame “loose ends” scene.
  • Alternative “loose ends” scene for [redacted endgame condition] – which I started coding today.
  • Improve/edit the text for the game’s bad end(s).
  • Write one epilogue optional scene for a specific route.
  • Add in the last achievements.
  • For a last flourish, an endgame text hinting at other possible endings, and maybe a flavor choice querying the player’s satisfaction.

After that, it’s sanity testing, then another round of private beta, and then I’ll finally be ready for open beta.


@FayI Congratulations! For me, sex scenes add another layer of difficulty to the writing, in addition to the usual battling the brain bees and schedule constraints. I can write them very fast or incredibly slowly–no in between :sweat_smile: :joy:


Hello to all the writers! I have just discovered ChoiceScript, but I have wanted to start writing interactive fiction for quite some years. So, this months I decided to give it a try! My hands shake a bit, eheh, and I’m quite nervous.

Are there some good, well-tested resources and advices on plot development?


Welcome to Choice of Games, @itsElena! It’s a great place.

Other, more experienced people will be able to chime in with more pointed advice. What I did when first dipping toes into interactive fiction was play published games and take note of what features I liked and disliked. I emulated features I liked in Moonrise, and avoided ones I personally found annoying. I read even more reviews of games and surveyed members of my target audience about what they liked. I went through the whole tutorial on the CoG site, copying the code out and seeing how it worked (or got bugged up lol). I made a really short game (like 3 *choices long) and put it on Dashingdon’s site, to make sure I knew how that worked.

When I finally got down to actually making a plot, I did the basic 5 Act structure I’d do for a regular novel, though it was a lot more complicated, haha. Though each chapter had different paths, each path hit the required plot and emotional beat to continue the story. It looked like _/–_ but with a ton of loop-de-loops, connecting back to the corners.

If you like analytics, many smart people have run the numbers on how to optimize your game for max fun. I go back to these posts a lot.

Best of luck! Keep the thread informed on your progress! :grin:


This site has a GREAT tutorial!

And this website lets you see any errors in code, or even play test the game. There’s a downloadable version, but I haven’t figured that out :joy:. I think the website works great


I’m making unexpectedly great progress on my first post-Relics project, a free fan game set in the magic-meets-cyberpunk Shadowrun universe. I’m trying to implement a slimmed-down version of the actual tabletop rules, so it’s very statty and coding heavy. But I’ve written most of the prologue, and got most of the core systems implemented (still need to finesse combat, but all other major systems are in place), and I think it’s even fun to play!

Cyber-elves ftw.


Welcome to both the Writer Support Thread and to the forum. @itsElena :revolving_hearts:

Here is a thread with lots of helpful links for beginners: Master List: Links for Beginners

Here is a helpful thread detailing the formatting commands that work on the forum as well as how to use them. Forum Formatting Commands. It documents bolding, italics, strikethrough, list making, headers, and code formatting along with many other helpful commands!

For future scripting needs there’s an entire category dedicated to helping people work through coding issues in ChoiceScript: ChoiceScript Help - Choice of Games Forum and a Choice Script wiki: ChoiceScript Wiki | Fandom

Again, welcome to both the community and the Writer Support Thread


I’m very proud of myself for finally mustering up enough courage to create a thread on this forum for my work in progress. …actually, no, that’s wrong. I didn’t muster up any courage at all. I just thought “well, let’s do it” and clicked “post.” But still! So my goal for this month is simply to write, to edit, and to be stubborn. That’s all.


YES! :tada:

I’m thrilled to announce that CHAPTER 15 of Last Dream is online!

We have a VERY BIG TWIST! Let me know if you like it!

Now, FFX fans will start experiencing how Last Dream starts going its “separate way” from the Final Fantasy canon.

Let me know how you like it so far.

As usual, any suggestion, hint, and feedback is very appreciated!


Here it is the 15th of the month, and I am going to do something that one of my writing mentors has been pushing me to do for the last six months or so.

On the 15th of each month, I will share an excerpt from what I am working on, and invite you to do the same. It’s too raw for proper critique and feedback, but a friendly word is always welcome.

I am sharing an excerpt from chapter six of my Patchworks project. There are no trigger warnings, but I shall put it in a cut, so no one is forced to read it. I feel vulnerable showing something so raw, but part of growing is pushing outside of your comfort zone, and the participants of this thread all have good hearts. :revolving_hearts:

02-15-23 Shared Excerpt
"$!{name}… Raphael… Emille…" After wrapping her arms around herself in a hug, Dove decides to make a request to the group. "I have a request to make of you all."

"Okay." Raphael takes the lead and speaks up first for all of you. "What is it, Dove?"

"Please…" Dove stumbles on a hitch in her voice and starts her ask of you over once more. "Please do not mention that we saw Nightingale to the sheriff."

"Sure, Dove." Emille shows a warmth towards Dove that she was not previously showing when speaking about Nightingale. "No problem from me."

"Bah!" Setting a somber, even subdued pace, Raphael hides a look of distrust from Dove. "I knew it. If I agree to silence, you owe me, Dove."

"Uh huh." A muscle in Dove's jaw twitches as she tries to plaster a smile on her lips. "Swing by the Parlor House tonight. We'll talk about what I owe you, Raphael."

"$!{name}…" Dove scrunches up her face into a forced smile as she switches her penetrating eyes to you. "What about you?"

    #“Sure. No problem, Dove."
        *set dove_attitude %+ 10
        *set dove_trust_1 true
        "Sure." As you lean in conspiratorially, you almost bump noses with Dove. "No problem, Dove."
        ”I knew I was right about you." Looking deep into your eyes for a long drawn out moment, Dove finally speaks. "Thank you.”
    #"Same deal as Raphael, Dove." "If I agree to silence, you owe me."
        *set dove_attitude %- 10
        "Same deal as Raphael, Dove." You take a step back and hide the calculating look that tries to creep into your eyes.  "If I agree to silence, you owe me."
        ”Perhaps I was wrong about you." Looking deep into your eyes for a long drawn out moment, Dove finally speaks. "We'll talk later, at the Parlor House."
    # “I am sorry, Dove."  "I can’t make promises."
        *set dove_attitude %- 10
        “I’m sorry, Dove." You know this decision may change your relationship with Dove, so you speak with care. "As much as I want to, I can’t make promises.”
        "Perhaps I was wrong about you." Looking deep into your eyes for a long drawn out moment, Dove finally speaks. "Maybe you'll change your mind later."
"Grr." Raphael clears his throat and kicks the ground with his foot as he growls out: "Enough standing about."

"Yea." Emille nods in agreement and starts walking backwards towards the cliffs. "The Dockmaster must be wondering where we are."

"Well…" You observe your companions as they start off ahead of you, leaving you behind standing next to Dove. "I still feel like there is more to Nightingale's story."

"Regardless…" Taking your hand into the crook of her arm, once again, you and Dove resume your journey through the wharf district. "Let’s get out of here.”


"I smell grilled fish…" As you push past the edge of the docks and into the main wharf district, the sizzling of hot oil fills your ears. "… and some other fried meats."

"$!{name}…" You and your companions lose yourselves in the intoxicating spices and smells surrounding you. Suddenly, Emille giggles. "Is your stomach growling?"

"Ugh!" The smell of the wharf's street food weaves an enticing spell over you, and you look from one food vendor to the next. "My stomach thinks I am famished."

“Uaah!” Stopping abruptly at a vendor with mouth-watering grilled eel for sale, you force a traveling baker to awkwardly avoid colliding with you. "Watch it, you nozzer!"

"Erk!" Raphael reacts to the baker barreling towards him and pushes her to the side, further upending her balance. "Watch where you are going, lady!"

“Agh!” The baker stumbles while avoiding Raphael, and her wares go flying into the air, chaotically raining down all around. “Now look at what you have done!”

"Tsk, tsk." Dove, rolling her shoulders from side to side, glances from Emille to you and then to Raphael before turning to the baker."What we have done?"

"Now I have nothing to sell in the market this day!" The baker screams her outrage, with a fist raised and her dander up. "It is all because of you nozzers!”

"We didn't do anything…" Emille takes a step forward and reaches out to the baker, only to stop herself in her mid-gesture. "Why don't we all go our separate ways?" 

"What are you going to do?" You realize that the baker only avoided you by sacrificing her baked goods, all of which are now spoiled. "You know, to make me whole?"

How do you respond?

    #I acknowledge my part in the accident.
        "Er—?" You try your best to look anywhere but at the baker and her ruined baked goods. "I did stop in front of the eel vendor suddenly."
        "Umm, $!{name}." Emille steps near you and wraps her arm around your shoulder to guide you away from the brewing confrontation. "Let's get moving."
        "See!" The baker gnashes her teeth and pulls her hair in histrionics. Is her anguish real, or is it an act? "$!{pcnoun_xhe} admit it's all $!{pcnoun_xir} fault."
        "What…" Is the baker seriously trying to blame you for her mishap? Surely there is blame enough to go around? "What do you mean, it is all my fault?"
    #I try to ignore the baker and go on our way.
        "Dove…" You try your best to look anywhere but at the baker and her ruined baked goods. "Should we get going?"
        "Yes, $!{name}." Emille steps near you and wraps her arm around your shoulder to guide you away from the brewing confrontation. "Let's get moving."
        "Don't ignore me!" The baker gnashes her teeth and pulls her hair in histrionics. Is her anguish real, or is it an act? "It's all $!{pcnoun_xir} fault after all!"
        "What…"  Is the baker seriously trying to blame you for her mishap? Surely there is blame enough to go around? "What do you mean, it is all my fault?"
    #I look to the others to see what they do.
        "Ugh!" You lower your eyes to your feet, not daring to interfere any further in this mess. "I'm going to get some of this eel."
        "$!{name}…" Emille steps near you and wraps her arm around your shoulder to guide you away from the brewing confrontation. "Now isn't the time to eat."
        "Don't ignore me!" The baker gnashes her teeth and pulls her hair in histrionics. Is her anguish real, or is it an act? "It's all $!{pcnoun_xir} fault after all!"
        "What…" Is the baker seriously trying to blame you for her mishap? Surely there is blame enough to go around? "What do you mean, it is all my fault?"


"$!{pcnoun_xir} fault?" Raphael and Dove speaking out in tandem, momentarily has them both blinking and glancing at each other. "Enough, already."

"My baby and small boy…" The baker falls to her knees and raises her arms in the air to appeal directly to the sky. "They will starve today because of you folk!"

"Wha— ?" Interrupting your woolgathering, Emille tugs at you once again, trying to get you moving away from the scene. "What do you want, Emille?"

“Please, don’t do this to me and my children." Sobs rack the baker's body, her wail is as loud as a banshee. What an actor! "Please, I beg of you.”

“What is it you want me to do?” Still not really understanding what is going on, you look for a compromise to this mess. “How can I make this right?”

“Don’t fall for her trickery, $!{name}.” Dove roughly pulls the baker to her feet and shoves her away from you. “She is just out to get your money.”

"Er— ?" Turning to face both Raphael and Dove, the look of confusion on your face says it all. "What is going on, here? I don't really understand."

“I am warning you…" Dove raises her voice firmly while physically pushing the baker back to provide a buffer between her and your group. "Leave now, hag!"

"Or what?" Rolling up her sleeves, the baker looks ready to rumble all of a sudden. Could she have been trying to con you all this time? "You scrawny whore!"

"You heard the Lady!" Raphael badgers the baker from her other side and screams even louder than Dove. "You don’t want the deputies to come to your bakery!"

"Wait, this is the Soiled Dove?" Stopping in her tracks, the baker begins to chuckle deeply from her belly. "This flighty bird is the sheriff's Soiled Dove?"

"Don't forget…" Emille, turns back to face the baker, giving up on tugging you away from the confrontation after all. "She is Nightingale's little sister too."

“That is right, she deserves nothing!” Raphael refocuses on the issue at hand. “We all saw, it was her clumsiness that caused her to spill her baked goods."

"It…" You look from Dove to Raphael and you are not sure what to think… is this really happening? "It was?"

"Yes." Even Emille seems to draw up ranks, supporting your group loyally. "We are innocent victims here and this scum is trying to take advantage of us.”

What do you say next?

Question that sounds weird-ass and coming out of the blue: does anyone know Korean? I need some tips on some phonems.

Unfortunately, I do not know Korean. Even though I just spent the last half hour thinking I should learn Korean, simply so I could help, before realising, no that’s stupid.

But otherwise, I love Eiwynn’s idea of sharing an extract from our work on the 15th, so I’m going to do just that.

This is a scene from my WIP, where the player has chosen to hang out with a character named Sumira.

15/02/2023 - Sumi 1
*label sumi1
*set bondlvl_Sumi +1
You decide that you want to spend time with Sumira.

But before that, you need to find her.

*temp manga false
*label repeat_sumi1
Now where could she be?
    *hide_reuse #Search the Library.
        The library is clearly the obvious choice, that's where you first met her after all.
        You head to the library, and find it to be slightly busy. You almost think you've gone death, but then you realise that it's the library. Of course it's quiet.
        Regardless, you search around and find no trace of Sumira. It's rather surprising, you had gathered that this was her main haunt.
        It would appear you need to search elsewhere.
        *goto repeat_sumi1
    *hide_reuse #Search in the Student Council room.
        You decide to look for her in the Student Council room.
        You open the door, and find the room deserted, except for Riona, who is sat at a desk doing some paperwork. 
        She looks up as you enter. "Hello ${pcname}, can I help you?" She asks you.
            #Ask her if she's seen Sumira.
                "Hi Riona. Have you seen Sumira?" You ask her, "I'm looking for her."
                Riona gives a small chuckle before answering. "I'm not surprised. If she doesn't want to be found, she usually doesn't. But if you really must find her, I recommend searching in places where no one else is. The Library is busy today, so try one of the common rooms."
                "Thanks, I'll see you later" You say, turning to leave.
                "If it's any consolation, even I don't know where she is." ${Mackenzie} says to you, suddenly appearing as you leave the Student Council room.
                "Thanks for the help." You say to ${her}, heavily leaning on the sarcasm.
            #Mumble an excuse and leave.
                "I, Um, Yeah." You mumble, fumbling for words.
                "Sorry?" She asks, clearly confused.
                "Gotta go bye!" You say, and run out of the door.
                [i]Well, that was embarrassing.[/i] You think to yourself.
                "Shut up!" You say to ${Mackenzie}, who you notice floating nearby, giggling.
                You walk away down the corridor.
        It seems you need to search somewhere else.
        *goto repeat_sumi1
    #Search the Common Room.
        *set Sumira +1
        *if statlabels = true
            [Your relationship with Sumira has slightly Increased!]
        You decide you might as well search the common rooms.
        You begin with the first floor, and begin ascending the dorm building, checking each common room in turn.
        In the first floor common room, you interrupt a poker game, and quietly excuse yourself.
        The second floor common room was deserted.
        On the third floor, you saw something you'd rather forget. They should be more considerate of others and do it in their dorm room.
        You reach the fourth floor, and find it deserted as well.
        Standing in the centre of the room, you rotate 360 degrees to verify that it is in fact empty. But suddenly, you hear a voice ring out, "So you have found me, chosen one!"
        Sumira emerges from a dark hallway, labelled Leopard.
        "I congratulate you, chosen champion. For you have found me!" She says with a wide smile, but it is obvious to you that she is annoyed that she lost the game of hide and seek that you weren't aware that you were participating in.
        "Is your room down there Sumira?" You ask her.
        "Huh? Nah, I just wanted to create a metaphor." She says, staring at you, as if she was waiting for you to understand a joke and burst out laughing.
        You say nothing, and she starts pouting. "You don't get it? You know, cus I'm stealthy, and so are Leopards. Actually I think that the…"
        "The metaphor doesn't really work if you have to explain it." You say, sensing she was about to start a rant.
        She crosses her arms, and stomps over to the sofas in the centre of the room. "Ok jeez, sorry Shakespeare." She groans as she collapses onto one of the sofas.
        *goto sumi_main1
    *hide_reuse #Search the Canteen.
        Perhaps she's getting something to eat.
        You head into the Canteen, and find it deserted, except for a meeting of the Manga club. There is an obnoxiously bright pink banner hanging from the ceiling that says, "Manga club Meeting!" that is covered in Japanese words. A lunch-Lady near keeps eyeing the banner with pointed suspicion.
            #She's not here, search somewhere else.
                She is clearly not here, so you leave the Canteen to search elsewhere.
                *comment lucky break mf
                *goto repeat_sumi1
            #Go and talk to the Manga club
                *set manga true
                The Manga club consists of 4 members, and they seem to be hogging a table in the centre of the Canteen. The table is covered in stacks of books with Japanese characters on the covers.
                They do not notice you as you approach, too deep in a discussion about something called a "Waifu". They do not even notice you as you stand right next to their table.
                since they seem to be ignoring you, you look at some of the book covers. Most of them feature cartoon drawings of various characters, but you can't read the titles, since they are in Japanese.
                "Do you want something?" One of them asks, suddenly acknowledging your prescence, "You're interrupting the Waifu wars."
                "The what now?" You ask, confused.
                "If you don't even know what that is, then you have no place among us. Sayonara baka." They say to you, gesturing for you to leave.
                You are about to ask what on Earth that means, but you decide, for the purpose of your sanity, to leave.
                [i]It's no use, I'd need to bring Hikari to even know what they're on about.[/i]
                "YOU BAKA! AKANE-CHAN IS CLEARlY THE SUPERIOR WAIFU!" You hear from behind you.
                [i]And maybe I'd need to be a little crazy.[/i]
                After that confusing experience, you leave the Canteen to continue your search for Sumira.
                *goto repeat_sumi1
    #Give up and ask her via telepathy.
        *set Sumira +2
        *if statlabels = true
            [Your relationship with Sumira has increased!]
        [i]Sod this, I'll just ask her directly.[/i] You think, conceding defeat.
        "[i]You finally given up?"[/i] You hear Sumira say to you telepathically.
        "[i]You heard that?[/i]" You think back.
        "[i]Hehe, I've been hearing your thoughts for the past thirty or so minutes. My guess is, since you were thinking of me, my telepathy automatically picked up on you.[/i]
        *if manga = true
            [i]Speaking of which, even Hikari doesn't know what those weirdos are on about, so don't bother asking her. They constantly hassle her anyway.[/i]
        [i]You're prolly wondering where I am though aren't ya? You don't have to answer, I know you're thinking it. Come to the fourth floor common room in the dormitory. I'll see you there."[/i]
        You don't hear her again, so you make your way to the dorm building.
        You reach the fourth floor, and head into the common room. It is deserted, but you notice notice Sumira emerge from a dark hallway, the hallway is labelled Leopard.
        "Is your room down there Sumira?" You ask her.
        "Huh? Nah, I just wanted to create a metaphor." She says, staring at you, as if she was waiting for you to understand a joke and burst out laughing.
        You say nothing, and she starts pouting. "You don't get it? You know, cus I'm stealthy, and so are Leopards. Actually I think that the…"
        "The metaphor doesn't really work if you have to explain it." You say, sensing she was about to start a rant.
        She crosses her arms, and stomps over to the sofas in the centre of the room. "Ok jeez, sorry Shakespeare." She groans as she collapses onto one of the sofas.
        *goto sumi_main1
*label sumi_main1
You sit in the other sofa, you give a look of disgust at a small brown stain on the nearby cushion.

Sumira sits and stares at you, waiting for you to say something.

It seems you'll have to be the one to keep this conversation going.
    #Ask her how she created the handbooks.
        *set Sumira +2
        *if statlabels = true
            [Your relationship with Sumira has increased!]
        You attempt to think up a topic that would get her talking. You decide that the handbooks would be a good place to start.
        "How did you create the handbooks?" You ask her.
        "Aha! You wish to know the details? The you must get on your knees and call me 'Madam Genius'!" She says, in a tone that makes you unsure whether she is joking or not.
            #Play Along
                *set Sumira +1
                *if statlabels = true
                    [Your relationship with Sumira has slightly increased!]
                Sighing internally, you get off the sofa, and fall to your knees.
                Sumira's eyes widen, and she squeaks. "Wait, wait, wait, waitwaitwait, you're actually doing it? I was joking!"
                Thanking your good fortune, you climb back onto the sofa.
                "Anyway…" She says, clearly trying not to laugh.
            #Stare at her blankly.
                There is an awkward silence, as the two of you stare at each other, waiting for someone to do something.
                Until finally, she says, "Don't worry, I was joking."
                [i]"Thankfully…" You mutter under your breath.[/i]
       "So, how I created the Handbooks you ask? Well, let's go back 4 or 5 years, and Mori Academy had just purchased a large shipment of tablets from a pretty unremarkable company. I took one look at them, and said to the Headmaster, "Wait a minute, isn't there enough of these for every student to have their own personal tablet?" And he said to me,"By golly gosh, Sumira, you're a damn genius. Take these tablets and hand one out to every student." That is definitely what he said, do not slander my good image." She explains.
       She continues, "So obviously, I thought that these would not do in their current state, so I took all roughly 1500 of them back to my room, and connected them all into their very own personal network. I then had to spend the next year or so, meticulously customising each one so that we each had our own personal digital handbook. Oh yeah, and there was the whole database that I added for Riona, but that was no big deal. So, now, when someone graduates or dies or whatever, We just have to change the name and Boom! Some one else gets the handbook."
       With the basics out of the way, The two of you spend the next few hours talking about the handbooks, Sumira answering your questions with extreme enthusiasm and detail. You both say goodbye to each other, and retire to the dorm rooms when night falls.
    #Try and get her rambling, so that she'll keep the conversation going herself.
        *set Sumira +2
        *if statlabels = true
            [Your relationship with Sumira has increased!]
        You attempt to think up a topic that would get her talking. It is then that you remember what Riona said to you that one time.
        "So, why do you think the Mirror World exists?" You ask her.
        Sumira looks at you as if you had just confessed your love for her, and takes a deep breath.
        Letting it out, she starts talking.
        "Well, when I first experienced Speculo, I thought I was just dreaming, so I didn't really believe it. I only first began believing it when Riona and Jack told me the whole story. Once I knew the phenomen was real, i began thinking about it. One of my first theories was that it is the brain of some eldritch entity, and it links with our own thought processes, causing us to see our hidden thoughts…"
        [i]Time seems to start warping…[/i]
        "…And if you consider it that way, then you'll understand why I say that the powers that we gain from the awaking are probably automatic defensive reactions by our minds. So if we think along those lines, then perhaps we might be able to understand why our powers seem to link to our deepest, darkest secrets. And before you ask, no I'm not telling you my secrets, that would mean I…"
        [i]You experience a sensation of falling in and out of unconsciousness.[/i]
        You look back up suddenly, after your brief experience of time dilution, and find that Sumira has gone. Now alone in the common room, you decide it would just be best to call it a night. You stand up from the sofa, but as you do, you notice something stuck on your chest. 
        You take it off, and find it to be a post-it-note.
        "Thanks for listening to me rant, we gotta do it again some time. You nodded off so I left, but I still wanted to thank you. BTW it's 2AM. -Sumi"
        2AM? You snap your head to look at the clock in the common room. Crap, it's 3AM!
        You waddle back to your dorm room, suddenly realising your tiredness, and fall asleep in your bed before you get a chance to get dressed.
    #Just sit in silence.
        *set Sumira -1
        *set friendly -3
        *set apathy +1
        *if statlabels = true
            [Your relationship with Sumira has slightly decreased.]
            [You are now perceived as significantly more coldhearted and slightly more apathetic]
        You can't seem to find the right words to say, so you say nothing.
        Sumira keeps staring at you, seemingly expecting you to say something.
        It becomes clear to her after a while however, that you don't plan on saying anything, so pulls a laptop out of her bag. She places it on the table inbetween the sofas, and begins typing at an impressive speed. 
        The two of you spend the next few hours sitting together in silence. Sumira works on her laptop, while you sit there in silence, doing nothing. The next time you glance at the clock, it is time to go to bed. 
        You get up from the sofa, and Sumira looks up at you as if she forgot you were there. "Oh yeah, ${pcname}, you're here." She says, with an awkward mood in the air.
        She places the laptop back in her bag, and stands up as well. ""You're clearly new at this, so I'll give you a word of advice. If you're planning on hanging out with someone, perhaps don't spend the entire time just sitting in silence? Good night." She says to you, before heading into the stairwell.
        You are left alone in the common room.
        "Yeah…" You say, to no one in particular.
*if current_date = "2/9/2025"
    *goto 2/9_end
*if current_date = "3/9/2025"
    *goto 3/9_end
*if current_date = "4/9/2025"
    *goto 4/9_end
*if current_date = "5/9/2025"
    *goto 5/9_end
*if current_date = "6/9/2025"
    *goto 6/9_end
*if current_date = "7/9/2025"
    *goto 7/9_end
*if current_date = "8/9/2025"
    *goto 8/9_end
*if current_date = "9/9/2025"
    *goto 9/9_end
*if current_date = "10/9/2025"
    *goto 10/9_end
*if current_date = "11/9/2025"
    *goto 11/9_end
*if current_date = "12/9/2025"
    *goto 12/9_end
*if current_date = "13/9/2025"
    *goto 13/9_end

After pasting it in here, I have realised it is much larger than I thought, but Oh well.