End of indented block?!

Right, so I’m getting this error :arrow_down:

startup line 143: It is illegal to fall out of a *choice statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block

And this is the code but I literally have no clue what it means.

*set gender “Female”

#Male :arrow_backward: (By the way this is line 143)
*set gender “Male”

Ya know I bet there is a reaaaallly obvious solution but I’m actually super stuck :’( please help!

Have you tried this?

  *set gender "Female"
  *finish (or *goto label)

  *set gender "Male"
  *finish (or *goto label)

Ah thannnk yooooouu!! That works now :3

Why are you using those page breaks?

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I am not entirelly sure…I’ve taken them out now and it works fine now, cheers! :cactus:

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