Recently I’ve been reading more since I’'m less busy than usual and I’ve noticed that some authors like to implement plot twists in their stories, but in some cases (to my liking) they’re too many and make the story confusing or just tiring to follow through.
So my question is, do you like stories with a lot of plot twists or with a few, or do you like straightforward and more simple stories?
What kind of plot twists do you like (for example, someone who seemed to be dead but in the end is alive)?
Anyways, sorry if my english is not the best and have a good day you all!!
For the main plot, I honestly only expect one twist. Yeah, I think you can add more twists, but with caveat that it isn’t “major,” if that makes sense.
I think when you have too many twists, they’re no longer a plot-twist. Loses their shock value.
It’s also worth considering what that plot twist(s) will feel like to someone replaying the game. Will that dramatic irony - the player knows what’s coming - enhance their experience, or are things written in a way that will frustrate the player?
Well, i do love having a story with a lot of plot twists (which means 4 AT THE LEAST and 6 AT THE MOST) but, you don’t need to sweat yourself only because, your story is fast paced or involves a lot of twists and turns. Because, if your twists are well timed and something that the readers can digest and gasp over with thrill then you can add all the twists in the world to your story. So don’t fret over it.
It really comes down to, how expected was the plot twist, was there buildup, and does it make sense.
If the plot twist feels well written then I feel like having 2 major plot twists is the max.
If they’re not well written and just feel shoehorned, then even 1 plot twist is too much. Like some CYOA games have had plot twists that completely change the tone/narrative of the story and it did make me regret buying those games.
If it I don’t know seems like you are writing the plot twist for suspense or drama rather than because it’s your artistic vision and works for the story, maybe don’t then?
One thing I always taught my students—and something that Raymond Chandler wrote about often—is that a good plot twist is something that the reader didn’t expect, but (upon reading the text a second time) can see the seeds or clues laid out in retrospect. So a plot twist that comes out of literally nowhere and which doesn’t make much sense purely to surprise the reader is a bad one. A plot twist that makes you go back and say, “Ah, I can’t believe I didn’t notice this the first time!” is usually a well-planned and well-thought out one.
I don’t think it’s a quantifiable number. Every story needs different things, and what could work with some (multiple plot twists) wouldn’t work with others. I always like recommending the film the Prestige when talking about this. It’s a good beginner’s peek at something that broadcasts clearly only in retrospect, but has lots of surprises by the end.
As many have stated, I think it’s more of a case of how twists are written than the presence of them.
I think a key thing is that plot devices like plot twists ought not to be implemented for the sake of having them. I think plot twists are done best when it’s logical that the narrative should turn in that way. Rather than writing in a twist to impact the plot, the plot should be built first, and then the author should control what information should be given to the reader or what should be held back. Don’t build in a twist – cover what’s already there to make it, leaving some breadcrumbs exposed like @rinari mentions.
I’m actually kind of against plot twists on principle. I feel like too many authors/writers/etc. go for shocking plot twists in their work, and most of the time it doesn’t really pay off or make sense (the Detroit: Become Human plot twist still irks me - the kid is a robot? So you’re going to strip away any emotional connection I had to her and remove the looming question of whether a robot can love a human?). There are very few plot twists that have actually made me gasp or reconsider the movie in a different light. Essentially, my answer to the question is, “one plot twist is too many unless you know what you’re doing.”
what everyone said above . It has to have a reason to be . It has to be well written in the story . It has to make you think about it…like a puzzle .
Also , I like to think you can write that big plot twist tied to the story and also small side plot twist .
So in all , it really depand on the story and spice you are using for your dish
don’t go by numbers , cose thats really not how it work . Sometimes a story need more then 1 plot twist , sometimes one is more then enough . it’s mostly come down to what are your skills at writing one and how good is your story at hidding it .
and plot twist don’t have to always go ‘Dun Dun Luke I’m your father!’’ kinda of thing . It could be tied to anything in your story . A character , a place…an object…a lore thing . The options are endless if you put your mind to it .
I honestly think the cap is at two plot twist per story, because any more than that would cause the shock value of the plot twist to decrease. Another key is to ensure that the player has a reason to be shocked or even care about the plot twist. If a character believed to be dead, who doesn’t hold any significance to the story and is barely mentioned, turns out to be alive your players won’t have a reason to care. Also my personal favorite kind of plot twist are
• People who were believed to be dead, turn out to be alive
• Someone you trusted turns out to have been a spy or traitor
• Learning that the “Heroic” deeds of the player have actually played into the plan of the antagonist
• Learning the antagonist of the story has actually been committing his acts of perceived “evil” for the greater good
I have no problem with plot twists as long as they allow the story to maintain a good flow and make sense in context. If the character playing the MC’s best friend turns out to be evil or something along those lines, it has to be well written in. There would’ve had to have been some signs or at least a good motive. Turing the MC’s most trusted against them for no reason could absolutely destroy a well written story. However, I do see the point @Darryle_Perry brought up. If you have to many plot twists you definitely lose the shock value associated with them.
Can’t think of any examples off hand, but I’d probably say that having a plot twist for the sake of having one can weaken it. Depends on the execution however.