So I’ve had time tonight to do some bug fixing and have thus added the game to its usual file folder:
*************** *The Game Remains Very, oh so very alpha ****************
Now, while some bugs have been fixed, I’m sorry to say there is still a swarm of them lurking about; worse, some scenes do not navigate as they should, some dialogues randomly do not include all the options I know should exist, and worst of all, roaring about like some invincible tarasque, there is an infinite loop that fires off during the combat in the library . . . while I feel all of these are fixable, it is going to take time and it is unlikely I will have them fixed soon. Added to this is that a lot of scenes are incomplete and fragmantery…so, yeah, it’s not very polished. Also, I did not get to do a lot of the things I wanted to do … but . . .
*********************** Despite what the game lacks I’m pretty happy with the progress *****
And I really am. I feel like both the main real world story and the meta story are progressing very nicely. I see a lot of promise with this project and hope and think you will enjoy what is here.
However, as expressed in prior posts, the game will more or less be in hiatus for a while. Now, there might be a chance of a small update here or there, if the energy hits me and I have the time. I’d certainly at the very least like to clear out more of the bugs, get the combat in the library working correctly, make those missing dialogues fire off correctly, and expand a few things . . . but when is very iffy. I’d say it’s probably unlikely I will get one more tiny update done in november, but if I finish my project for nano wri mo eartly, maybe . . . though probably not. I have pledged to get an update for Sense & Sorcery done by new years and my goal is to work on that until completion . . . however, if free time hits me maybe I’ll be able to sneak in an update at some point.
That stated, I think to do good progress on Dice & Dungeon Masters it will require a lot of exclusive time and energy . . . which I don’t have at present. As some of you know I have a family member with a degenerative disease state, which takes a lot of time, energy, and peace of mind from me. My real world job (as you can probably judge from the bits about real world problems in the game) also takes more time, energy, and peace of mind. Add to that the fact that I game less often than I used to due to various reasons, and at present to make the game as good as I want it, a haitus probably has some benefits. I’m hoping that when I return to it as a key project I’ll have more of that lacking time, peace of mind, and energy so the comedy and adventure can flow a lot easier and the game will be all the better for it. While Sense & Sorcery has its challenging points and comedic points as well, in many ways they are less than Dice & Dungeon Masters where I essentially have more than two games going on at once. Of course, no crystal ball on the future - both my future and the future of my country (America) are changing, and as Freedom of Thought is one of the prevailing themes of my creative works (or at least I certainly hope they are!) I do worry about my capacity to continue on with any project if things get really bad . . . but I’ll hope they shan’t and won’t monologue to much on that here, and further I shall hope that I will succesfully finish my projects and get back to Dice & Dungeon Masters eventually in hopefully a year or possibly - and sadly this is probably more realistic - two.
Now, for those that are missing further progress on this project and have a lot of energy for creating something similar, I certainly give you my blessings on that. To be honest, Dice & Dungeon Master’s existence is loosely inspired by Knights of Pen and Paper and Galaxy of Pen and Paper though I never quiet got it the point I was aiming for, which was to have a cool fun virtual ttrpg experience with a DM and players that you could generate in detail. I certainly feel that there are a descent amount of quality RPGs (some of which thankfully have an authentic table top feel to them) out there and a growing presence for ttrpgs in other games, such as visual novels . . . I’d certainly love there to be more games like Dice & Dungeon Masters!
So, in conclusion for now, thank you for playing and I hope you have enjoyed your time at my little virtual table. It may take a while but Lyr/Lyra and Art/Astra and all the others shall someday return, fate willing, and I look forward to continuing to create this game in time . . . when conditions are right for it. There may be a small update at some point; it might be a while. I may add the linear short story section to keep this thread alive and vital during haitus, but, we shall see on that. Sorry for the wishy washiness of it all.
Anyway, until next time, here’s hoping your adventures are bright and your dice are light-Ed