Debugger for beta testers & authors/devs (records and plays-back games, cheat, undo)

Instead of getting any work done on my story, I instead spent tons of hours making this.

The Code, nickname: Lizard Debug
javascript:{ /*Lizard Debug for ChoiceScript by @Twiger_Fluff | version 1*/ /*press H to get recording output | J to playback | K to print variables to the console*/ var NumberOfStepsToNotDo = 0; var tag = document.createElement("script"); tag.src = ""; tag.onload = function() { $(document).on('click', 'button', function () { P_ButtonClicked(this); }); $(document).on('click', 'a', function () { P_LinkClicked(this); }); $(document).on('submit', function () { P_Submit(); }); $(document).on('keypress', function (event) { P_Keypress(event); }); }; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tag); var P_data = []; /*true = show stats, false = hide stats, -1 = [non-option next] press, 0-99999 is option picked and next pressed, "string" is text or number input*/ var data_P = []; var P_i = 0; function P_ButtonClicked(button) { if (button.getAttribute('class') == "next") { if (!document.getElementById("menuButton").innerHTML.includes("Settings")) { /*on settings page*/ return; } else { if (document.getElementsByClassName("choice").length > 0) { /*is a choice*/ P_data.push(Number($("input[type='radio'][name='choice']:checked").val())); } else { P_data.push(-1); } } } else if (button.getAttribute('id') == "statsButton") { if (button.innerHTML.includes("Show")) { P_data.push(true); } else if (button.innerHTML.includes("Return")) { P_data.push(false); } } else if (button.getAttribute('id') == "menuButton" && !button.innerHTML.includes("Settings") && document.getElementById("statsButton").innerHTML.includes("return")) { /*return to main game and stats was open normally but closed from settings page*/ P_data.push(false); } } function P_LinkClicked(linkele) { if (linkele.getAttribute('id') == "alertify-ok") { /*game restarted*/ P_data = []; data_P = []; } } function P_Submit() { /*is email, textbox, or number*/ let button = document.getElementsByClassName("next")[0]; if (document.getElementsByName("email").length > 0) { /*do nothing as it is followed by a "next" regardless of proper sumbit or not*/ } else { P_data.push(document.getElementsByName("text")[0].value); /*this will (on purpose) include invalid inputs*/ } } function P_Keypress(event) { if (event.charCode == 104) /*h*/ { prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", JSON.stringify(P_data.concat(window.getSelection().toString()))); } if (event.charCode == 106) /*j*/ { P_i = 0; data_P = JSON.parse(prompt("Paste from clipboard: Ctrl+V, Enter", "")); DoLizard(); } if (event.charCode == 107) /*k*/ { console.log(window.stats); } } async function DoLizard() { if (P_i < (data_P.length - (NumberOfStepsToNotDo + 1))) { DoStep(data_P[P_i]); window.setTimeout(WaitForLoad, 200); } else if (P_i == data_P.length - 1) { find(data_P[data_P.length - 1]); } P_i++; } function WaitForLoad() { if (document.body.getAttribute("class") != "frozen") { DoLizard(); } else { window.setTimeout(WaitForLoad, 200); } } function DoStep(step) { if (step === false) { if (document.getElementById("statsButton").innerHTML.includes("Return")) { document.getElementById("statsButton").click(); } else { console.warn("Step couldn't be played back properly.") } } else if (step === true) { if (document.getElementById("statsButton").innerHTML.includes("Show")) { document.getElementById("statsButton").click(); } else { console.warn("Step couldn't be played back properly.") } } else if (typeof(step) == "string") { document.getElementsByName("text")[0].value = step; let list = document.getElementsByClassName("next"); list[list.length - 1].click(); } else if (typeof(step) == "number") { if (step > -1) { document.getElementById(step).checked = true; } let list = document.getElementsByClassName("next"); list[list.length - 1].click(); } else { console.warn("Step couldn't be played back properly.") } } };void(0);

The main purpose of this is to make it so authors can play back a beta tester’s run through of their game, in order to find bugs or see where a spelling error is (screenshots aren’t a real thing).

Things you can do with it

Load/Save games, it just… takes a minute
Record games to be played back later at a high speed (disable page animations beforehand to make it even faster)
Highlight text as you save the play-back to make that text be highlighted for whoever plays it back. (great for pointing out grammar/spelling problems, but it actually only highlights the first instance of that string on the page)
Cheat/Undo by editing the recording or changing NumberOfStepsToNotDo in the code
Other things, probably.


After loading the code (see part-two), it will automatically start recording your choices (both in game and on the stats screen, including text/number input).
Press H to export your recording. (copy)
Press J to load and play a recording. (paste)
Press K to print all the game’s variables in the browser’s console.

How-To Part-Two

How/Where you can use the code:

  1. ran from the browser console (by reader)
  2. ran from the url bar (by reader) (but it will need “javascript:” inserted manually at the front)
  3. ran from a *script in the game (by author/dev)
  4. ran as a bookmarklet (by reader) (save the code as the URL of a bookmark and click that bookmark to run the code)

—> Data is wiped on game reset; both data and the code is wiped on reset so you’ll have to load the code again if it’s not done automatically.
—> There might be bugs. It needs more people testing it.
—> Not tested for/no explicit support for multiple choices on a single page
—> Only tested on Dashingdon
—> Will be broken by loading a save from smPlugin.js first, unless the person playing back the recording loads from the same save too
—> Doesn’t record settings changes or email submission

Leave some love :hugs:

Edit → apparently there is a bug where having page animations off might cause a problem with text-input when playing back. (The game still seems to continue though). → I’ll fix this when I feel motivated. For now just make sure animations are on


Ok, where have you been hiding all this time? Now you show up and dump one amazing trick after another :slight_smile:

This is really nice, and with a very simple approach. Well done! Do you have a working demo somewhere? Also, can you share the code in a more readable way?

This would have been very handy for the replays in RacetraCS. Suggestion: could autoplay be triggered by a URL?


Well I had good tricks when I was here 2 years ago too.
No need for a demo, just choose any game on dashing don, run the code, and play. After a while, press H and save, then restart the game and press J to paste the save and run it.

URL/code to autoplay (you still need to input the save string, but that can be changed)
javascript:{ /*Lizard Debug for ChoiceScript by @Twiger_Fluff | version 1*/ /*press H to get recording output | J to playback | K to print variables to the console*/ var NumberOfStepsToNotDo = 0; var tag = document.createElement("script"); tag.src = ""; tag.onload = function() { $(document).on('click', 'button', function () { P_ButtonClicked(this); }); $(document).on('click', 'a', function () { P_LinkClicked(this); }); $(document).on('submit', function () { P_Submit(); }); $(document).on('keypress', function (event) { P_Keypress(event); }); P_i = 0; data_P = JSON.parse(prompt("Paste from clipboard: Ctrl+V, Enter", "")); DoLizard(); }; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tag); var P_data = []; /*true = show stats, false = hide stats, -1 = [non-option next] press, 0-99999 is option picked and next pressed, "string" is text or number input*/ var data_P = []; var P_i = 0; function P_ButtonClicked(button) { if (button.getAttribute('class') == "next") { if (!document.getElementById("menuButton").innerHTML.includes("Settings")) { /*on settings page*/ return; } else { if (document.getElementsByClassName("choice").length > 0) { /*is a choice*/ P_data.push(Number($("input[type='radio'][name='choice']:checked").val())); } else { P_data.push(-1); } } } else if (button.getAttribute('id') == "statsButton") { if (button.innerHTML.includes("Show")) { P_data.push(true); } else if (button.innerHTML.includes("Return")) { P_data.push(false); } } else if (button.getAttribute('id') == "menuButton" && !button.innerHTML.includes("Settings") && document.getElementById("statsButton").innerHTML.includes("return")) { /*return to main game and stats was open normally but closed from settings page*/ P_data.push(false); } } function P_LinkClicked(linkele) { if (linkele.getAttribute('id') == "alertify-ok") { /*game restarted*/ P_data = []; data_P = []; } } function P_Submit() { /*is email, textbox, or number*/ let button = document.getElementsByClassName("next")[0]; if (document.getElementsByName("email").length > 0) { /*do nothing as it is followed by a "next" regardless of proper sumbit or not*/ } else { P_data.push(document.getElementsByName("text")[0].value); /*this will (on purpose) include invalid inputs*/ } } function P_Keypress(event) { if (event.charCode == 104) /*h*/ { prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", JSON.stringify(P_data.concat(window.getSelection().toString()))); } if (event.charCode == 106) /*j*/ { P_i = 0; data_P = JSON.parse(prompt("Paste from clipboard: Ctrl+V, Enter", "")); DoLizard(); } if (event.charCode == 107) /*k*/ { console.log(window.stats); } } async function DoLizard() { if (P_i < (data_P.length - (NumberOfStepsToNotDo + 1))) { DoStep(data_P[P_i]); window.setTimeout(WaitForLoad, 200); } else if (P_i == data_P.length - 1) { find(data_P[data_P.length - 1]); } P_i++; } function WaitForLoad() { if (document.body.getAttribute("class") != "frozen") { DoLizard(); } else { window.setTimeout(WaitForLoad, 200); } } function DoStep(step) { if (step === false) { if (document.getElementById("statsButton").innerHTML.includes("Return")) { document.getElementById("statsButton").click(); } else { console.warn("Step couldn't be played back properly.") } } else if (step === true) { if (document.getElementById("statsButton").innerHTML.includes("Show")) { document.getElementById("statsButton").click(); } else { console.warn("Step couldn't be played back properly.") } } else if (typeof(step) == "string") { document.getElementsByName("text")[0].value = step; let list = document.getElementsByClassName("next"); list[list.length - 1].click(); } else if (typeof(step) == "number") { if (step > -1) { document.getElementById(step).checked = true; } let list = document.getElementsByClassName("next"); list[list.length - 1].click(); } else { console.warn("Step couldn't be played back properly.") } } };void(0);

As for sharing the code in a more readable way, just paste any hard-to-read code here and click the button or press ctrl-enter


This is just great. A way I want to use this idea is to create a list of tests for my game, and run them in sequence with your tool (I would need a way to programmatically trigger the restart). It will be something like a random test, but more controlled - closer to integration tests.

Imagine something like:


where game1 game2 are replay sequences, and R would reset the game.

1 Like

Okay, this is super cool. I love the idea of having a series of tests for my game.