Crème de la Crème Discussion and Romance Guide (Spoilers Within)

Can’t escape Delacroix family :joy::joy::joy:

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Can’t wait to get together with Max and hopefully thoroughly trounce mr. Heir at those games. :grin:


The universal constant.

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There is always a lighthouse, there is always a man, there is always a city, there is always a Delacroix. #incorrectbioshockquotes

The challenge awaits! :smile:


If course if it turns out I do like princey my second character will be dedicated to romancing him. But Max will always be first and best boy in this game for me. :wink:

I think it’s Blaise and yes, Blaise is very pretty but also very, very mean and petty.


Mara and Blair (Iknow is Blaise. Blair cames from the witch lol as they started as enemies) The Power couple of Mean girls could certainly cross over universes Like Smash Bross. In Stilettos girls to your face or something like that?!

As I said Blair the witch for Mara… lol :wink:


I’m excited to romance Eugene myself. Who else is gonna help Mr. Uptight unwind a little? :wink: The Zaledoan prince seems really nice though, so I’m seconding @idonotlikeusernames.

I can imagine a romance involving people in the MC and Hartmann’s positions might be really really hard to achieve in real life, parental pressure is huge. One of the reasons I’m very happy this game exists!


September is here, and it’s time for a quick update! I’m at a hefty 370,000 words now, and am having fun with edits, mostly fleshing out, clarifying, and refining (and adding a bit more Karson. Shoutout to Karson fans!). And fixing typos. Oh, and getting rid of accidental Britishisms (there are so many I didn’t know about…) Making good progress!


Wouldn’t those be a feature, not a bug for this game? I mean Cata has arguably more success writing the Infinity series in Canadian English than he would have had putting everything in the American standard. :thinking:

Is it a game or interactive project?


The house style for CoGs is US English spellings unless the game takes place in a modern (1650+ C.E.) Commonwealth country and since this is a fantasy setting (though somewhat faux-European - Gallatin’s loosely based on Swiss boarding schools) I’m going with that. I tend to try to eliminate British idioms or wordings too - British “ringing” vs US “calling” on the phone was one that came up during this edit - just so it’s consistent. There are also some British ways of putting things that are totally weird to non-British players, even if English is their first language, and I don’t want people to be distracted or slowed down going “uhh, what is the author talking about?”

Either way, I don’t really mind - whatever’s clearest is what I want! Plus, a different project I’m doing (non CoG) is the most British thing ever to British, so I can include all the UK spelling/phrases I please there :smiley:


Yasss! :heart_eyes:

Very excited to throw away my MC’s glam future for Karson.


Oh! By the way - you may have seen on the upcoming CoGs post that Creme de la Creme is at “pending beta”. Just a heads up that once the official beta starts, I’m going to take down the teaser chapters - in part because they’re getting out of date now, and partly so everything’s in one place. So if you’ve been thinking about whether or not to try it out, take this time to enjoy while it’s here!



Is this going to be an open or a closed beta? Anyway I’m pretty excited about the game and am looking forward to playing it

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It’ll be closed, and there will be an announcement thread about it when the time comes. Glad you’re looking forward to the game!


And now the official beta is here!


Now may I please beta test the game?

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3 hours ago!! I do hope there’s still a spot :grimacing:

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If you’d like to test, please take a look at the beta post and follow the instructions there :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome this is nearly ready! Congrats Hannah!

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Thank you! I’m really looking forward to seeing what people think of it. And thrilled that feedback is already coming in!