Creating an in-game timer / countdown?

I use a similar event system, and have resorted to putting all of the checks and timer stuff on a completely separate scene that sorts it out:

*set timer1 - 1
*set timer2 - 1

~and so on~

*if timer1 = 1
    *goto_scene event1
*if timer2 = 1
    *goto_scene event2

~and so on~

*set jumped true
*if current_scene = "scene 1"
    *goto_scene scene_1
*if current_scene = "scene 2"
    *goto_scene scene_2

so I only have to put something like this in every scene:

*if jumped
    *set jumped false
    *goto dayend

The day plays out.

*set current_scene "scene 1"
*goto_scene timer
*label dayend
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