Well I’ve run into another problem, my question for today is how do you insert choice based text in the middle of a page as opposed to a choice itself. For instance.
You’re walking down the street when you see Bob *if (bob’s_status = “rival”) The balding man freezes upon seeing you and points indicating he’s not forgotten what you did.
This is how I got it to work for choices but is it a different format in the middle of a page? is it possible to have previous decisions reflect in the middle of a page?
You’re walking down the street when you see Bob. The balding man
*if (bob’s_status = “rival”)
freezes upon seeing you and points indicating he’s not forgotten what you did.
*if (bob’s_status = “lover”)
plants a fervent kiss on your mouth.
Shouldnt it have *goto label stuff after if and instead of 2 if use else?
You’re walking down the street when you see Bob. The balding man
*if (bob’s_status = “rival”)
freezes upon seeing you and points indicating he’s not forgotten what you did.
*goto label
*else (bob’s_status = “lover”)
plants a fervent kiss on your mouth.
*goto label
Or if you hate the idea of renaming all of your *elseif and *else, you can always put *create implicit_control_flow true…
Here. Check this out for more details.
Alright so I might have underestimated the importance of indentation because I have tried this every which-a-way and it still doesn’t work so it’s screen shot time.
This doesn’t work so I figure I must have the indents in the wrong places but I have no clue where they should go. On the off hand it is supposed to look like this I will be thoroughly surprised.
The problem is in the second *choice in the screenshot, correct?
Try indenting all the *if statements and their corresponding narrative by one more level, then indenting the *goto command to the same level as the *if statements. Additionally, you’ll need a *goto command indented under the final #option, the one that starts “I do not care how…” Something like so:
#I don't know, the... thing hasn't done...
*if (Monster_Breed = "Rodent")
You kneel down still not quite face to face...
*goto Bygones
#I do not care how 'not killing me' the thing is...
*goto where_does_this_go