[quote=“Argentdragon, post:20, topic:27647”]
I think that’s perfectly fair, but I’m going to guess that you, at least, wouldn’t feel bogged down by that kind of information so long as it isn’t in excess or seem completely out of the blue, right?[/quote]
Yes, that’ll be correct. I won’t mind seeing it during a quiet moment before the climactic finale, or if I had seen the characters being friendly with each other from the start. A Pair the Spares situation would just feel lazy.
[quote=“Argentdragon, post:20, topic:27647”]
Also I don’t know of that game, is it a completed game or a WIP? Though that is somewhat similar to what I’m going for, though it may be more of a conversation you have with one of the characters rather than based on a stat.[/quote]
I believe it’s one of the oldest Hosted Game. The first two are completed; you can find the WIP thread for the third game/finale right here.
To further elaborate: you’ll do talk with both parties and know about their crush on the other in the game. The first meeting where the MC clued in on it immediately is more of a reflection of their high Charm stat than anything else.
[quote=“Argentdragon, post:20, topic:27647”]
I was actually considering doing a “matchmaker” achievement if the MC successfully gets the characters together. I’m still not sure though how people view achievements? I’ve seen a handful saying they like achievements a lot, while others going they actually either dislike them or outright hate having achievements in games. I know you can’t please everyone lol, but I think that would be a good incentive for some and add a little more to the story.[/quote]
I’ve seen you’ve already agreed to the idea in another comment, so yay! An incentive to read more of the story is why achievements existed in the first place. For me, it’s especially more so if the action that led to the achievement resulted in an unpopular reaction in the game.
Sorry for my curt replies, by the way. I felt bad quoting so much of your post and replying only with one liners.