Well, got my WIP up… very subdued hopes for this one, it doesn’t really do anything incredible and it’s not in a popular genre, really. But if people like it enough i’ll likely finish it–if they don’t i’ll move onto something else. woohoo!
Thank you @Kaelyn and @Schliemannsghost . Your words mean a lot to me. And thanks to this incredible community. I feel so protected and powerful when I’m here.
Went “one more chapter” and I’m 10,000 words in and what feels like halfway through. Coded a minigame and everything. And of course I’d want to do another very short chapter after this one, as well, just to tie it together …
Here it is the 15th, and I am working on:
- Project One goal: Rewriting based on feedback – Percent complete: 50%
- Project Two goal: Complete the “Social” scene – Percent complete: 0%
There are sixteen days left, so I still am holding out hope that I can make both goals this month.
There has been a release by @Whitelocke since the beginning of the month, so I’ll update the first post to reflect this fact.
Congratulations, @Whitelocke!
I’ll check back at the end of the month with everyone. Good luck on your goals for the month until then!
The goal for me this week is to get my WIP into shape to share a demo this weekend!
I’m still early in my story, but this is my first CS project so I want to put it out there and try to get feedback early, if I can. Hopefully everything goes well. I have the whole project outlined until the end, but beginnings are the hardest thing for me to write.
Asking for advice, here - is it a better idea to post an interest check before publishing a WiP, or better to simply post the product when you’ve got a solid piece of it to avoid being discouraged? I’m really leaning toward the latter at present, haha.
I would use the Interest Check thread if you are concerned your premise may not be that enticing to the readership as a whole and want to find out before you invest a lot of time. If you want to write the story no matter what, just skip it and wait to say anything until you have a demo ready to go up on its own thread.
That’s the big question. Personally, I like the idea of writing the story first. I found that it was too time-consuming to explain why I wanted to do things a certain way without the rest of the story to back it up. Also, once it’s done, I could go back to the beginning and make smoother transitions to really showcase what I was after.
I’m willing to make some biggish changes after it’s all done, but it’s true, you can only change so much at that point.
You need thick skin to share work, and yes, getting discouraged to the point of not finishing is a very real thing. I figure the skills you gain by finishing something may very well outweigh the advantage of many eyes early on.
But, that’s just my opinion. I see other people getting great encouragement and gaining excellent ideas that are much easier to implement before you write the rest of the game.
That’s what sounds best to me. Thanks!
This is what I am most afraid of! I’m not prepared to be deterred by a single or couple of posts, I’d rather let my work speak for itself, you know? There’s only so much a single post can get across about a project. Thank you!
This is a big one – but at the same time, at least on CoG people are usually very understanding and helpful, or at least polite enough to not post if they don’t like it and don’t have anything constructive to suggest. It’s the trolls in the app store reviews once you get published you gotta remember not to read.
I totally understand that. I lurked for a year, made my entire first game (Life of a Wizard) and didn’t tell anyone in the real world what I had done until it was about to release. I’ve gotten better at sharing my work, but I still do it on my terms.
Yes, the people on the forums here are great. Very supportive and kind. Don’t be discouraged to show your work. Make what you like and have fun doing it.
Finishing the project is the biggest battle. Get it done and then worry about whether people will like it because then you’ll have something to work with and either improve upon or learn from.
I have been expanding the end of chapter 4. Currently working on a fight scene… that’s more of a mook horror show that’s inspired by shadow of Mordor/War. It’s pretty fun to write. However, I’ve been writing instead of studying for my trials for most of the day.
Oof, 3700 words today. That’s longer than a few of the other scenes in this project. The chapter just passed 15,000 words, damn. Still four more little subscenes to go, and then one much smaller chapter after that, and then I go back and add to a bunch of other stuff and work in call-backs and self-references and make sure continuity is all up to snuff, and then test it all, and only then will I be satisfied enough to post it as an update.
Hello, everyone. I was browsing through r/coolguides and I found a couple guides that could be useful for describing environments and characters. If some of these contain misinformation of any kind, let me know.
A significant amount of the vocab here would only be used in a story for the purpose of the author bragging about knowing what the words mean.
A minor inaccuracy about chadar or chador.
It is not a style of wearing a garment but the name of a garment. (like a shawl)
You can wear a chadar in several ways. (I wear it like a toga at home in winter as it allows full mobility for my right arm)
Chadar is a genderless piece of clothing so it is worn by everyone.
I finally updated my demo and achieved my goals for August!
Well, mostly, since I still need to write some of the character diary entries (backstory and character descriptions), but it’s definitely not a priority. My prediction was also right – Chapter 2 reached over 54k words, and I’m not sure if I should be happy or worried about that.
Unfortunately I’ll have to take on another writing hiatus after I finish the entries. Anyway, good luck again to everyone with their projects. You’ll get there!
2600 words today. Only one and a half little subscenes. Tomorrow I ought to just blitz the rest of the chapter.
I gotta say though, the feeling of hitting quicktest and seeing the “QUICKTEST PASSED” report at the bottom is pretty nice. I’ve gotten to the point where I just make fewer mistakes while I write. It’s nice.
However, the most dangerous issues for this project, the ones where multireplace values are incorrectly applied, are the ones that quicktest won’t detect. Hopefully randomtest will be able to do that for me.
I am just over the 12k word mark now! 12078 to be exact… although, I can probably keep going with my writing for today.
This month is shaping up much better than the last!
This isn’t true at all. Portugal and Brazil speak Portuguese wich means we’re not Hispanic. And the peninsula is called the Iberian Peninsula, not the Hispanic Peninsula.
Hispanic is for Spanish speaking countries. Spain and Mexico being two of them. Latino countries are from Latin America, wich Brazil falls into, but they’re still not Hispanic.
So that graph is correct.